Islam never taught us about ‘dating .’ There is no concept of dating as it is practiced in the West because, in reality, two people of the opposite gender cannot avoid being alone together, there is a glance, and a touch occurs. All of these actions, of course, are illegitimate accor...
Is It Permissible to Play Chess In Islam? Based on the evidence, the debate of whether it is halal to play chess is a matter of individual interpretation. Whereas a few Islamic scholars believe that playing chess is haram, others don’t see any issue. Eventually, the choice to play chess...
- Is it permissible according to Hanafi fiqh to work in a job where alcohol, pork and non-halal meat are sold and served?- For example, working as a cashier in a grocery store in the West; even if a customer buys pork, alcohol, or non-halal meat, you have to process them and ...
If the slave is a disbeliever and his master coerces him to accept Islam, then it is not obligatory on the slave to obey him in that, for there is no compulsion in religion. And al-Halimi from the Shafi'is has made an exception for a disbelieving woman from a religion other than ...
Hi, I am Muslim and unmarried person; I have heard that watching adult porn videos is not a sin because it is done by the non-Muslim girls and women. However, I heard that it's haram for Muslim woman to watch such things. I am in dilemma becasuse I ha
in Islam. While some Muslims avoid pork, pork lard, and alcohol and consider that enough to follow halal rules, others believe that the meat must also be butchered according to Islamic guidelines. It's important to check labels for any haram ingredients. Here's a general list of haram ...
“If you’re causingfitnahat school, it is better for you to leave the school.” “Cover properly, so that you aren’t a trial for the guys!” Such comments strike at the insecurities, religious aspirations, and self-esteem of our sistersin a way Islam never ever meant. This environm...
2- Oaths that are haram to take but wajib not to carry out: To swear an oath in order to abandon a fard or to commit a haram act is a haram oath; it is fard to break it. Therefore, for instance, a person who swears an oath that he shall not talk to his parents...
Is Cheetos Halal or Haram? Cheetos isPartially Halal. All Cheetos variants that are produced and marketed in Muslim-majority countries such as Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and Pakistan can be confirmed as halal and have also obtained halal certification from a halal certification body approved by the ...
In general, gelatin derived from beef and collagen from beef skin and bones are halal for consumption by Muslims. However, beef gelatin that is halal in composition can become haram if the beef used is not slaughtered according to sharia rules. ...