Coconut Water Kefir Beet Kvass Coconut milk yogurt Kombucha Pickles Pickled Ginger Miso, Natto or Tempeh Supplements to Raise GABA Levels: Magnesium: Supplemental magnesium helps to raise GABA levels. By far, the most effective form for this is called Magnesium L-threonate. I recommend doing 1-2...
got a rx to treat GERD but chose not to get it cos my integrated practitioner advised against this and suggested Betaine Hydrochloride to increase acid levels, Digestive enzymes, Probiotics and Lugol's Iodine for thyroid issues and reflux. Unfortunately, I haven't followed it in this way, will...
I talked briefly about guar gum a while back in my unexpectedly controversialarticle on coconut milk, but I’ll give you a bit more detail here. Unlike xanthan gum, which is a product of bacterial fermentation, guar gum is derived from an actual food: the guar bean, or Indian cluster bea...
Two Must-Have Tests for 'Mystery' Symptoms 12 Signs of Selenium Deficiency About Catherine Crow, NTP Hi there! I’m Catherine Crow. Seattle-based Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP), Educator, Diet Investigator, and Coconut Milk Ice Cream Enthusiast. My goal is to help guide you...
I also believe that I am affected by it. Both my son and I can drink milk made with chocolate syrup but have a terrible time with pre-made chocolate milk. What's the difference? Carageenan. I put it down as an allergy for him and people look at me funny. Heck, I'm allergic to...