Norway sucks Norway is dumb country boring dumb people there bruh never g to Norway expensive crime terrorist attacks and El Salvador suck the end Reply P Patricia says: I believe the people who says Guyana is not beautiful, haven’t been traveling. I don’t mean, going to a Caribbean Isl...
in their view, has long strayed from its founding principles. Bongino’s selection embodies the very essence of a true patriot: someone who has not only defended the nation on the front lines but is now prepared
As discussed elsewhere in this README, you must conduct your own research, and I suggest starting with resources such as CBOE's BXM and BXDM indices and comparing those to SPX. I've had a lot of people complain because "that strategy isn't better than buy and hold BRUH"–let me assur...
It matters to me if an idea I have is a true idea, and I believe in skepticism (the need for evidence to accept something as likely true) and that we should actively try, at least sometimes, to find faults in our worldview. That is, I’m not epistemologically nihilistic, even if I...
BruhNyecommentedJun 29, 2020 alright thank you this really helps ill try out the code and post a comment if it works Author BruhNyecommentedJun 29, 2020 yes it works thanks again not just for solving the issue but also for making such a beginner friendly gui system ...
On the other hand, in certain circumstances, a couple of funky bracelets do add value to the outfit, and a vacation at the beach is one of them. The idea is not to deck yourself out from head to toe in surf-bruh gear. You don’t need a coral necklace, a pair of raybans, board...
Re: Trunp Is A White Supremacists! Posted by:Trump's not a racist() Date: October 01, 2020 07:22AM FIRST OFF BLM is the most racist terror organization out there today. Now to the facts you little bitch: Trump's Actions Prove He's No Racist ...
I'm getting what I expected based on past experience. I'd like to have a word with the ad people on their advertised numbers since I think it made a lot of people set some unrealistic expectations this generation. I use this machine to earn income. I paid for a CPU that's fast and...
I'm getting what I expected based on past experience. I'd like to have a word with the ad people on their advertised numbers since I think it made a lot of people set some unrealistic expectations this generation. I use this machine to earn income. I paid for a CPU that's fast and...
Bruh. What the fuck. Of course we do. What Funny Uncle Joe was trying to communicate, in between seething denunciations of The Donald as a truly unique threat to Our Democracy, was that he objected to political violence. That’s a civic ideal. Declaring that political violence “is not ...