President Donald Trump has announced Dan Bongino as the new FBI deputy director. This appointment—long anticipated by conservative patriots—marks a decisive break from tradition. For years, this pivotal role was reserved for career FBI agents nurtured within the agency’s old guard. Today, the a...
Norway sucks Norway is dumb country boring dumb people there bruh never g to Norway expensive crime terrorist attacks and El Salvador suck the end Reply P Patricia says: I believe the people who says Guyana is not beautiful, haven’t been traveling. I don’t mean, going to a Caribbean Isl...
Is vibrancy a real word? The noun vibrancy comesfrom the adjective vibrant, which means "strong and resonating" or "full of enthusiasm and energy." In the 1550's, vibrant meant "agitated," from a Latin root of vibrantem, "swaying to and fro." There's a strong connection between vibranc...
The egregiousness of the offense might add a separate dimension (if not several) to the complexity of my inevitable point, but for right now can we agree, dear (un)reader, that we have all done things which hurt people, caused us to lose a friend, or some consequence which made our s...
Windows File Explorer bruh core windows process, if its not in \windows its a virus This is an executable that will make your PC work. If you kill this process with Task Manager or whatever, you will break your computer unless if you know how to get it back. Ken One of the consiste...
On the other hand, in certain circumstances, a couple of funky bracelets do add value to the outfit, and a vacation at the beach is one of them. The idea is not to deck yourself out from head to toe in surf-bruh gear. You don’t need a coral necklace, a pair of raybans, board...
Oliver strongly believes there is a human aspect to craft beer that the bigger, multinational brewers can never emulate. “Real beer is made by people, not by machines,” he says. “Nobody knows the names of any of the brewers at the big breweries. Even their top distributors don’t kno...
As if I actually ever gave a damn about you dumbo. I'm here for the laugh "bruh".You the dumbest fish in the pond, which is why you bite every single time. 显示点赞 5 2月 2024 分享 Bazan Gene 回复了 Daniel Daniel, your rambling again fake fuk 显示点赞 5 2月 2024 分享 ...
2. Due to the aggressive memory management you have make sure apps like Whatsapp are whitelisted in all the relevant places/settings. Otherwise it will not sync in real-time. You also need to manually start your apps before they start to sync after a restart. ...
It's real talk, shade niggas couldn't get a tan from me Cause I get in the ring for that Vince McMahon money Soon as it's un-tuck, BLAM! Talking 'bout you tough scrams I'm coming through your window, something like Bruh Man It's just who we are, if I see y'all, it's ER...