Pornography consumption may not necessarily be inherently good or bad. It may depend on whether you’re able to manage porn use effectively. If you feel like you may be using porn excessively or if you think it’s affecting you or your relationships, it may be best to seek the guidance o...
As a BetterHelp partner, we receive compensation if you purchase through our links. 6. Privacy concerns Discussing highly personal or traumatic experiences openly can raise privacy concerns. Partners should have consent and boundaries regarding what they are comfortable sharing. In conclusion, using ther...
Tainted joys or tainted pleasures happen when you no longer feelhappyor thrilled with the things that used to make you excited. Either you feel guilty, or you remember bad memories about it when past relationship is affecting current ones. It could be a food, song, or even a place. Grady...
With that said, you should typically not experience psychological distress due to CBT. Sometimes, you may leave a session feeling mentally and emotionally drained. These can be good signs because they may validate that you can start releasing these painful emotions, which is frequently a vital par...
Visit today to get 10 percent off your first month. That's [00:46:34] Jordan Harbinger: This episode is sponsored in part by Airbnb. So we used to travel a lot for podcast interviews and conferences, and we love staying in Airbnbs...
Suggestions for Helping Your Husband Be a Good Dad Don’t resort to any of the above behaviors! Make sure you’re not being mean.Avoid raising your voice. Try not to be too strict or too permissive. These are bad things for parents to do because they are bad communication strategies acro...
Still feel like you have work to do on yourself before you start dating? I understand. Check out ourreview of BetterHelp. 4. Single moms are sexier! Confidence, a full heart, and life experience all equal being a richer, fuller person. ...
We receive compensation from BetterHelp when you use our referral link. We only recommend products when we believe in them. 8. I notice every little thing. You probably thought I didn’t hear what you whispered about me or see the judgmental expression on your face, but I did. Like many...
from therapy, but in spite of this, too many of us neglect our own mental health and emotional wellbeing. ... If you find that online therapy and live sessions are as helpful and productive for you as traditional, in-person therapy, then yes,BetterHelp is worth the moneyand a good ...
you can get 10% off your first month by using discount code, Jordan. Get started today. Go to Simply fill out a questionnaire to help them assess your needs and get matched with a counselor you'll love. That's for 10% off your first month....