Credit rating is expressed as a letter grade and conveys the creditworthiness of a business. Learn about what a credit rating is, how to build it, and more.
Evidence: BBB Rating is not a Ranking Factor Gary Illyes confirmed his doubt about BBB being a Google ranking factor. John Mueller also said that Google does not take BB score or any other third-party score to measure the trustworthiness of a website. Danny Sullivan also said that BBB rati...
Understanding a company’s financial health is crucial for investors, lenders, and business leaders to make informed decisions. One key indicator of this health is the company credit rating, which serves as a report card for businesses, showing how well they manage their finances. Just like a s...
Companies with a Baa3/BBB- credit rating or higher are typically considered "investment grade," according to theAssociation of Corporate Treasurers. An organization rated Ba1/BB+/BB+ or below, on the other hand, is considered speculative and may have difficulty securing investment. Generally, "...
I am happy to say for more than a decade I did not need any help, but I suddenly had a big problem and this is when you really can determine how good your insurance is and how good the company is that stands behind it. The customer service people at Allianz where extremely polite ...
The credit quality of companies, governments, and other entities is expressed in terms of a credit rating. Possessing good credit quality generally means paying less to borrow money, whether it's a consumer buying a car or a government issuing a bond. ...
Reverse mortgages are a good idea if you plan on remaining in your house long-term and do not intend to leave it to your heirs. Also, a reverse mortgage is a good decision if you know you’ll be able to meet the requirements established by the program continuously. You plan on staying...
AA—very good A—good BBB—adequate "Junk" (Speculative) As mentioned earlier, once a bond's rating drops into the double-B category, it falls into the junk bond territory. This area can be a scary place for investors who would be harmed by a total loss of their investment dollars in...
good The rep walked me through the process to remove and suppress my information, with efficiency GM Gary Maz 4 weeks ago The customer service representative… The customer service representative that I renewed was fantastic! But I have not renewed in about a year and I am not happy with ...
Wonderful blog! HBS Staff replied: Tuesday, January 2, 2018 Those are good ideas--thanks for reading our blog! Leave a Comment Name: * Required Email Address: * Required, will not be published Website: Comment: 400K+ COMPANIESFORMED A+ BBBRATING CLIENTSLOVE US! 40+ YEARS IN...