Credit rating is expressed as a letter grade and conveys the creditworthiness of a business. Learn about what a credit rating is, how to build it, and more.
Organizations with a B credit rating onS&P's scaleare considered speculative. A company that falls into this category is often more vulnerable to competition and economic threats than one with a higher rating, such as A or BB+. But even so, it may still be able to meet its financial obli...
Most FICO scores range from 300 to 850, with a higher score representing a better credit rating. Scores are classified into five categories: excellent, very good, good, fair and poor. (The FICO Auto Score and Bank Card Score range from 250-900. Those specialty scores may be used when you...
BB+and below are considered non-investment grade or junk status, indicating a higher risk of default. Rating Category Rating Scale Description Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Moody’s Fitch Ratings Investment Grade AAA Highest quality, lowest risk of default ...
What Is Singapore’s Credit Rating? Thanks to its net debt being zero, Singaporehas a very good credit rating. The long-term credit ratings of the country as awarded by the four largest credit rating agencies are shown in the table below. ...
Non-investment-grade bonds, also calledhigh-yieldor junk bonds, are judged to have lower credit quality and, therefore, present a higher risk to investors. Non-investment-grade bonds typically have ratings of BB and lower. These ratings indicate that there's a greater chance that the bond iss...
Credit needed Excellent/Good See rates and fees. Terms apply. We also recommend the Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card as a top choice for balance transfers, with a generous four-month window from account opening to transfer balances and 21 months with 0% APR on balance transfers (and a reg...
Additionally, this card is a good fit for someone who plans on making a large purchase through Apple and wants interest-free payments on their purchase. However, if you don't have an iPhone or want a card with an introductory 0% APR period on non-Apple purchases, you might consider alter...
TalkTalk has a good selection of broadband packages at various speeds to choose from: TalkTalk Unlimited Fibre 35: 38Mbps TalkTalk Unlimited Fibre 65: 67Mbps TalkTalk Unlimited Full Fibre 150: 152Mbps TalkTalk Unlimited Full Fibre 500: 525Mbps TalkTalk Unlimited Full Fibre 900: 944Mbps Browse Talk...
Basic bank accounts are good for those who have trouble managing their money when access to credit is less limited. Often, basic bank accounts are used by those with bad credit ratings who have been turned down for standard current accounts in the past. ...