Organizations with a B credit rating onS&P's scaleare considered speculative. A company that falls into this category is often more vulnerable to competition and economic threats than one with a higher rating, such as A or BB+. But even so, it may still be able to meet its financial obli...
So let’s start with what an STC rating *is not*.STC does not measure how many decibels a material can block. If you have a wall that has an STC rating of 40, that *does not* mean that it can block 40 dB of sound.STC ratings cannot be added together. If you have a material ...
An IP (Ingress Protection) rating is an international standard that shows you the level of dust and water resistance of your Samsung device. Samsung devices that have been certified to an IP68 rating are built to help you do more, in more places. With an IP68 rating, they are water resist...
A bond rating is a way to measure the creditworthiness of a bond, which corresponds to the cost of borrowing for an issuer. These ratings typically assign a letter grade to bonds that indicate theircredit quality. Private independent rating services such as Standard & Poor's, Moody’s Investor...
Why Is IP Rating Important? Ingress Protection (IP) measures the level of protection that an enclosure provides electrical equipment with a rated voltage that doesn’t exceed 72.5 kiloVolts (kV). The IP rating is crucial to understanding a product’s resistance level to water, dust, debris, et...
Even if a smartphone has a high IP rating, it may not be completely waterproof. You can drop a phone with an IP68 rating in a freshwater pond, or a tub, and it should be fine. However, if that phone is dipped in a chlorinated pool, or in the ocean, which has saltwater, that cou...
The Rating Classification is a combination of numbers and letters that reflect a business’s size based on worth or equity. It is only assigned if a business has supplied Dun & Bradstreet with a current financial statement. At the upper end of the spectrum, a 5A rating represents a business...
Your credit history is a report of your debt repayment. It is recorded in yourcredit report, which details the number and types of your credit accounts, how long each account has been open, amounts owed, the amount of available credit used, whether bills are paid on time, and the number...
Short for Entertainment Software Rating Board, ESRB is a rating system that helps enable parents and others choose games that are most appropriate for their children. The picture whos the Sims 3 expansion pack "Ambitions" and an example of the ESRB TEEN rating on the box....
crisis. When it comes to the subprime mortgage part of the crisis, there was no single entity or individual at whom one could point the finger. Instead, this crisis involved the interplay between the world's central banks, homeowners, lenders, credit rating agencies, underwriters, and investors...