These words than we call "you bastards! "Even more serious, because this is not only a" curse "is also offensive to God. Like God (God), the Devil (the devil),) Jesus Christ, Moses, Joseph words such as, when religious people and seated xenoliths, and must not use, let alone wit...
O'Connell can hear every word, he looks hopeful. Other than Evelyn, you could hear a pin drop. The HANGMAN turns to him HANGMAN Any last requests, pig? O'CONNELL Yeah, I'd like ya to let me go The Hangman grabs the lever to the trapdoor. EVELYN FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS! The Warden set...
“What the fuck happened that day!?” (I may or may not have added the word “fuck” for dramatic effect.) It’s not something I’ve ever typed out and shared for all you sick bastards before but after my Murderversary and on International Women’s Day, seems like a perfect time, ...
the basket the basket court the basketball trip the bastards built ov the bat together with the bath line the battle against ev the battle for paris the battle of lexingt the battleboar pen the bay of bengal the bay of islands the bears adventures the beast within the beautiful and ric th...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
What is svchost.exe? Is svchost.exe spyware or a virus?How to fix svchost.exe related problems? 1. Run Security Task Manager to check your svchost process 2. Run Windows Repair Tool to repair svchost.exe related Windows Errors 3. Run MalwareBytes to remove persistent malware...
the basic stuff the basic terms of my the basics of softwar the basket of apples the bastards the bat whispers the battle of algiers the battle of britain the battle of crÉcy the battle of leuthen the battle of neville the battle of the ove the battle ofnaseby the battle speed the ba...
person probably has worked in some sort of service industry in the past. Either that or has money and doesn’t mind sharing it around. Either way they’re awesome in my book. That’s a tip that says “I know there are some cheap bastards out there. I’m going to make up for it....
And that’s a problem, isn’t it. You can’t tell the Criminals from the Not Criminals until the bastards start shooting, until you have to start running and ducking and screaming. You have absolutely no way of knowing if the guy carrying his AR-15 into the coffee shop is a mass mur...
The Bastards are already trying to outlaw wells. They will answer for their crimes against mankind, Earth, and humanity. The love of money is the root of most evil on Earth. Looking Into the Face of the Beast It’s not pretty to watch or to think similar to the most evil greediest mo...