In each mystery you will have to follow in the footsteps of the dastardly villain from one room to the next. For each scene you first have to piece it together, literally, by solving a jigsaw puzzle. Then you'll get down to searching for clues with a little help from whichever one ...
Please note that the word Paul used for “curse” is the strongest word for cursing in the Greek language. Technically, it dooms the one who is cursed to the darkest, deepest, most horrible fate imaginable. Second, most cults are led by a dynamic, charismatic leader who eventually controls...
teaching art, English and science. Since I was moving in with my sister for a while, that meant trying to decide which perfumes to bring, perfumes that a) I loved and b) wouldn’t stink up the apartment, since she has never quite forgiven me an episode in 2012 that involved twelve sp...
followed by death -- without celebrating a World Series title. That's not a curse; it's an imaginary guillotine that hangs over us every season. We're just waiting for it to go away, that's all. And only Cubs
Unearth what each of these adventurers have found and attempt to rescue them while trying to uncover a dastardly plan to...well, you'll figure it out in the end. Exploration is accomplished with the usual changing cursor, an eye for areas to examine, a hand for items to pick up or ...
Build rituals to achieve your villain's dark goals. Animate a golem, summon a god, open the Gates of Hell, or banish the sun. Seven tables describe the ritual's purpose, time, location, components, side-effects, price of failure, and - of course - how to foil the dastardly deed!
"Down! You don't realize who I am! I shall sing of your dastardly deed! I'm Fflewddur Fflam, minstrel of minstrels! Balladeer to the grandest courts in all the land!" Several of the strings on his harp broke as he said the words. "Oh sh...
Hong Gil Dong took them further from their stable of favorite cliches and setups, but then You’re Beautiful brought a portion of them right back. (As in, extended separations, overhyped melodrama forcing the couple apart, dastardly meddlers, toxic parents, hapless second leads who never get ...
Caitlin has a misunderstanding of the word “Profit”. ‘For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?’ In the USA everything is calculated in terms of money, but profit is the excess of ‘benefit’ over ‘cost’. ...
A beautiful princess born in a faraway kingdom is destined by a terrible curse to prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a deep sleep that can only be awakened by true love's first kiss. Determined to protect her, her parents ask three fairies to raise her ...