To damage or injure the surface of by contact with a rough surface. from Free Scrabble DictionaryTo draw roughly or noisily over a surface. from Free Scrabble DictionaryFind More Words! Wildcard(?) letters appear in REDHere are some other words you could make with the letters SCRAPE, you ...
The act of. from Free Scrabble DictionaryFind More Words! Wildcard(?) letters appear in REDHere are some other words you could make with the letters ASSERTION, you can alsouse this lookup tool to help you find words with our scrabble word finder....
Restless or nervous. Source: American Heritage DictionaryWhat happened to our word finder? No worries we just moved it. You can find it here or click on it from the navbar under word finders. Word Lists great for playing with Scrabble Words With Any Letter Words with Q Words with X ...
Axing is a word starting with a ending with g. Check our list ofwords starting with a ending with g. Dictionary definitions of the word axing The meaning of axing axing 4 definitions of the word axing. Verb Chop or split with an ax Terminate Chop or split with an ax Terminate...
Definition of axles. Is Axles a word in the Scrabble dictionary? Yes, axles is a Scrabble word.
Find out if your Scrabble word ET is valid or if it is not allowed to be used for the game according to the Scrabble dictionary.ET in Scrabble & Word with Friends Score is ET a Scrabble Word ? E 1 T 1 Points: 2 Probability: 1 in 3 chance. (30.55%) Yes, ET is a scrabble ...
Yes,nestis in the scrabble dictionary ...and is worth5points by itself if you played it. Nest Definition noun A cluster of similar things. Source:American Heritage Dictionary A container or shelter made by a bird out of twigs, grass, or other material to hold its eggs and young. ...
Check if JA is a valid Scrabble word. Boost your gameplay with its definition, prefixes, suffixes and anagrams. Get JA meaning and cool word tricks.
Yes, gnaw is in the scrabble dictionary. Is gooney a scrabble word? Yes, gooney is in the scrabble dictionary. Is Hax in the scrabble dictionary? No,hax is not in the scrabble dictionary. Is fax a word in scrabble? Yes, fax is in the scrabble dictionary. ...