3 definitions of the word roads. Noun A partly sheltered anchorage An open way (generally public) for travel or transportation A way or means to achieve somethingWhat Scrabble words can I make with the letters in roads? 5 Letter Words dorsa6 sarod6 4 Letter Words ados5 dors5 oars4 ...
Row is a valid Scrabble word. Row is a word starting with r ending with w. Check our list ofwords starting with r ending with w. Dictionary definitions of the word row The meaning of row row 8 definitions of the word row. Verb ...
Raid is a valid Scrabble word. Raid is a word starting with r ending with d. Check our list of words starting with r ending with d. Table of Contents Definitions of raid Words that can be made with the letters in raid Anagrams of raid Words that can be created with an extra letter ...
Play with the word index, 3 definitions, 1 anagram, 3 prefixes, 16 suffixes, 4 words-in-word, 1 cousin, 1 anagram+one... INDEX scores 13 points in scrabble.
Is GLEY a scrabble word? Yes, gley is in the scrabble dictionary. Is Riley a scrabble word? Yes, riley is in the scrabble dictionary. How do you spell Leys? Ley meaning The definition of a ley is an area of open land used as a temporary pasture for animals. An example of ley is ...
Within is a Scrabble word. Scrabble point value for within: 12 points. Within is a Words with Friends word.
Racks is a valid Scrabble word. Racks is a word starting with r ending with s. Check our list of words starting with r ending with s. Table of Contents Definitions of racks Words that can be made with the letters in racks Anagrams of racks Words that can be created with an extra lett...
Is NU A Scrabble Word Quick Answer: Yes, “nu” is a valid Scrabble word. Meaning: “Nu” is the 13th letter of the Greek alphabet, represented by the symbol “ν”. It is equivalent to the English letter “N”. Pronunciation:
We would LOVE to hear yourFEEDBACKon this tool! Cite This Article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. “Axises is a Scrabble word?- .” The Word Finder. thewordfinder.com. 1 Mar. 2025, https://www.thewordfinder.com/define/axises/ ....
A person who takes care of buildings or land while the owner is not there A person who gives physical or emotional care to someone (such as a child, an old person, or someone who is sick)Is Caretakes a Scrabble Word? Words With Friends YES Scrabble US YES Scrabble UK YES English...