This is actually false, personality disorders are actually a type of mental disorder that are diagnosed using the criteria provided by the DSM-5. Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is: b. antisocial personality. Out of the listed...
Understanding the definition of apathy and how to work through apathetic feelings Taylor Bennett 5 min read Is being stubborn a good or bad thing? Jason Crosby 3 min read 5 Qualities You Should Strive to Embody Every Single Day Taylor Bennett 4 min read Minnesota Multiphasic Personality ...
Which of the following is one of the six essentially universal emotions agreed on by a majority of researchers? A) anger B) shame C) apathy D) indifference E) distress Which of the following is not a global cultural dimension? a. Individualism...
Conflict avoidance is a personality trait in which a person prefers to avoid arguments, and may go so far as to simply agree with...
Many studies (for example, Fryer & Payne 1984) suggest that the unemployed suffer a range of negative well-being effects including inferiority, hope- lessness (including hopelessness about future income), distrust, apathy and so on. In which unemployment per se is not the causal factor but the...
) Peace or tranquillity of mind; calmness; indifference; apathy; dispassion; indisturbance; inaction. Quietism (n.) The system of the Quietists, who maintained that religion consists in the withdrawal of the mind from worldly interests and anxieties and its constant employment in the passive ...
The monkey's extraordinary performance was learning to operate a tractor. By the age of nine,the animal had learned to drive single-handed. 这只猴子最出色的表演是学开拖拉机。到9岁时,它已学会独自驾驶拖拉机了。 在第二句仍要提及monkey和tractor,为了回避重复,作者用了animal和vehicle这两个范畴词来...
Importantly, the least prosocially motivated people had higher subclinical levels of psychopathy and social apathy. Thus, although people sometimes ‘help out’, they are less willing to benefit others and are sometimes ‘superficially prosocial’, which may characterize everyday prosociality and its ...
An aggressive personality doesn’t necessarily translate to a cruel reign, but an efficient one. In a few instances, the anime is an excellent exploration of a benevolent monarchy. Although Soo-Won is cold, his aggressive pursuit brings him to a lot of victories. He manages to lift up a ...
(2011). Boredom: an emotional experience distinct from apathy, anhedonia, or depression. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 30(6), 647–666. Article Google Scholar Hadar, A., Hadas, I., Lazarovits, A., Alyagon, U., Eliraz, D.,...