(HealthDay)—Approximately one-third of the public believes alcohol is heart-healthy, according to a study published in the Aug. 15 issue ofThe American Journal of Cardiology. Isaac R. Whitman, M.D., from the University of California, San Francisco, and colleagues evaluated data from consecuti...
an irregular heartbeat usually referred as arrhythmia, high blood pressure and stroke. However, drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can prevent healthy people
had a lower risk of heart attack, which the researchers hypothesised could be due to beneficial effects of alcohol on HDLcholesterol(胆固醇)– the so-called ‘good’ cholesterol – as well as haemoglobin(血色素)A1c(a marker of diabetes risk) and fibrinogen(血纤维蛋白原), an agent that helps ...
The CDC says that more than 2,000 Americans die each year from acute alcohol intoxication. It’s no secret that alcohol can be bad for health in other ways, too. Drinkingraises the risk of both cancerand heart disease, and one study suggested that drinking accounts for 15 percent of breas...
This suggested there was a ‘sweet spot’ for alcohol consumption; a healthy middleground between too little or too much, where the benefit for cardiovascular(心血管的)health balanced the risk of death from all causes.(这表明喝酒有个“甜区”;一个居于“太少”和“太多”之间的中间位置,这个位置...
Irregularblood pressureand heart rate Dizziness Heat intolerance How Much Alcohol Causes Alcoholic Neuropathy? The exact amount of alcohol intake that can lead to alcoholic neuropathy is not clear and can vary from person to person. However, this type of neuropathy is linked to too much drinking ...
responsible for the differing rates of death from heart disease: 心脏病导致的不同死亡率是什么原因造成的 #Their analysis came up with a clear and significant link between increasing alcohol consumption – specifically of wine – and decreasing rates of ischaemic heart disease (heart disease caused by...
While exercise is the most important tool for reducing your daily resting heart rate, there are other ways you can take control of your health and reduce your heart rate. These include: Cut back on, or quit drinking coffee and alcohol ...
Observational data around alcohol consumption and heart health suggests that a light-to-moderate intake, in regular amounts, appears to be healthy. However, when mathematical models have been applied to determine causation (an approach known as Mendelian randomization) the results have been mixed. ...
sharing food and drinks. Having open conversations about the impact of alcohol on general health with your family and friends would be a good way to start," she said, but added "celebratory drinks or foods are OK in my opinion if most of the time one has a healthy diet and lifestyle....