Further research is needed to elucidate the nuanced relationship between alcohol consumption patterns and heart health.doi:10.1161/circ.150.suppl_1.4146639Trisha Schuver, MPHThiveya Sathiyaseelan, MDNnenna Ukoha, MDEugene Annor, MD MPHEmeka Obi, MD MHA...
Two new studies present insights into how alcohol affects heart health, focusing on the phenomena of holiday heart syndrome due to binge drinking and the impact of alcohol on heart function in menopausal women on estrogen replacement therapy. Credit: SciTechDaily.com Two new, basic research studies...
Many studies have been conducted investigating the link between alcohol and heart health, but with conflicting results. So whether or not moderate alcohol consumption is good or bad for your heart is up for debate. Generally, however, alcohol in small to moderate amounts may be allowed for peop...
Alcohol is the most commonly consumed U.S drug, according to the study researchers. While the harms ofalcohol abuserelated to physical and mental health have been established, there is debate regarding the cardiovascular health effects of moderate consumption. The researchers note that while few, if...
Information on death from any cause was obtained until December 2018 using the Danish Civil Registration System which is considered 100% correct. Cause of death was obtained until December 2016 from the national Danish Causes ...
Despite the agreement that alcohol may reduce CHD risk, the findings do not justify heavy drinking since large quantities of alcohol consumption are correlated to numerous health problems and diseases. 展开 关键词: Coronary Disease Alcohol Drinking ...
Alcohol consumption and risk of coronary heart disease in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate several aspects of the relationship between alcohol use and coronary heart disease in older adults, including beverage type, mediat... KJ Mukamal,H Chung,NS Jenny,... ...
Alcohol has been shown to raise blood pressure and lead to metabolic changes that are associated with inflammation and obesity. Women also process alcohol differently than men. Researchers said the study calls attention to the health risks of alcohol consumption and underscores the importance of consid...
Alcohol consumption and blood pressure: Kaiser-Permanente Multiphasic Health Examination data. N Engl J Med.1977;296:1194-1200.Google Scholar 9. Gianoulakis C, Guillaume P, Thavundayil J, Gutkowska J. Increased plasma atrial natriuretic peptide after ingestion of low doses of ethanol in ...
Alcohol consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease in postmenopausal women with diabetes: Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study[J] . Swapnil N. Rajpathak,Mathew S. Freiberg,Cuiling Wang,Judith Wylie-Rosett,Rachel P. Wildman,Thomas E. Rohan,Jennifer G. Robinson,Simin Liu,Sylvia...