MATLAB represents not-a-number by the special valueNaN, as adoubletype. Determine Whether Arrays Are Numeric Type Determine if an array containing floating-point numbers is a numeric type. A = [-3.5e2 2.5; single(3) pi] A =2x2 single matrix-350.0000 2.5000 3.0000 3.1416 ...
A natural number (i.e 1, 2, 3, 4, …..) is called a prime number if it has exactly twopositive divisors, 1 and the number itself. (a) Write a MATLAB function that takes a positive integer as input and returns‘prime’ if the integer is a prime number and ‘not prime’ ...
MATLAB is also the foundation for Simulink®, a block diagram environment for simulating complex multi-domain systems. Where Is MATLAB Used? MATLAB and Simulink are used as fundamental modeling and simulation tools for research and development wherever engineering and science are applied. This include...
matlabFunction((r^2+r1^2)^0.5),0,x) s=s1-(k-1)*pi*m; xd=(s-pi*m/4)*(cosd(20))^2; yd=-0.5*(s-pi*m/4)*sind(40); u=atan(r/r1); l=pi-u-x; x1=xd*cos(l)+yd*sin(l)+r1*cos(x); y1=-xd*sin(l)+yd*cos(l)+r1*sin(x);end ...
A Blum integer is a semiprime—that is, the product of two distinct primes—whose factors have the form for some integer k. The number 21 is a Blum integer because its two prime factors, 3 and 7, have the form with and . The number 123 is a semiprime because it i...
MatLab help 文档。 1. sort 函数 1.1 作用 sort 函数对数组元素进行排序。 1.2 语法 代码语言:javascript 复制 B=sort(A)B=sort(A,dim)B=sort(___,direction)B=sort(___,Name,Value)[B,I]=sort(___) B = sort(A)按升序对 A 的元素进行排序。
I'm Creating an app for Collecting a data. For example: If we enter some numeric value for how many election boxes edit field, we should get that many election boxes and each election box have a serial number where the value should be entered....
急!matlab出现Input argument "A" is undefined.输入程序调用 function[Ax]=F_tj(A,m0)%定义函数 %模糊统计,m0划分区间个数 [n,m]=size(A);%获得矩阵的行列数 Amin=A(1,1);%A的最小值 Amax=A(1,2);%A的最大值 for(i=1:n) if(A(i,1)>A(i,2))x=A(i,2);A(i,2)=A(i,1);A(...
You will be estimating the number of swaps required for a list that is X=100, 200, 300, ..., 900, and 1000 numbers long. In other words, you will calculate an average for each number from 100 to 1000 in steps of 100. Each average should...