Open in MATLAB Online If the badly-named "A" represents a color image, then A(:, :, 1) would mean all rows and all columns in the first image plane - in other words, the red channel of the image. The code mean(mean(A(:,:,1))) would mean the average int...
a(:).'是把矩阵a转换为一个行向量,就是一行。例如:>> A = rand(2,3)A = 0.6925 0.3965 0.7802 0.5567 0.0616 0.3376 >> B = A(:)B = 0.6925 0.5567 0.3965 0.0616 0.7802 0.3376
To run this example in a single MATLAB session, you do not have to make any modifications. Create both the server and client in the same MATLAB session. To run this example in two different MATLAB sessions either on the same computer or on two different computers, you have to run the sp...
请问matlab中语句rand('seed',77);是什么意思? 'seed' - Use a multiplicative congruential algorithm, the default in MATLAB Version 4. This method generates double precision values in the closed interval [1/(2^31-1), 1-1/(2^31-1)], with a period of 2^31-2. 设定一...
本吧热帖: 1-Matlab吧-能人异士征集帖(小吧主招募) 2-Matlab吧 -防骗指南 3-Matlab管理规则 4-容积卡尔曼滤波。 最小二乘载荷反演 5-求自学matlab建议 6-吧友救一下 7-求助一道题 8-Matlab 2024a安装包及教程 9-求一个用matlab绘制局部放电图的代码,有能做的吗 10-交流贴,
结果为:c = 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 如果 a=1:5;b=5:9;c=[a b']结果为:??? Error using ==> horzcat All matrices on a row in the bracketed expression must have the same number of rows.[a,b]' 的意思是:首先对a和b进行拼接,然后多拼接...
size(A, 2)表示取矩阵A的列数。如果A是多维矩阵,则表示的仍然是取每个二维矩阵的列数。举例说明如下:如果A是2维矩阵(行向量或列向量可看为行数或列数为1的矩阵)A=[1, 2, 3; 4, 2, 3];col = size(A, 2); % 计算结果为col=3,因为矩阵A的列数为3% 如果A是多维矩阵(以3维...
To run the first data set in the Examples Directory. Simulation Folder Path: <MatLab run directory>\Examples\Example 1 Isotropic Plate With Loaded Hole\Simulation Files Parallelisation tab – No Seed Point File: <MatLab run directory>\Examples\Example 1 Isotropic Plate With Loaded Hole\Y-Seeds...
When processing a call to a functionfooin your MATLAB®code, the code generator finds the definition offooand generates code for its body. In some cases, you might want to bypass code generation and instead use the MATLAB engine to execute the call. Usecoder.extrinsic('foo')to declare...