This hand-out provides a proof (according to the one presented in [Pap94]) that the problem MAX2SAT is a NP-complete problem. To do attain such result we start by giving some previous account on satisfiability and motivating the problem of MAX2SAT . In the sequel we present the required...
In this paper we show that a small modification of the 2-dimensional Matchingand Assignment Problems in which for each $i \\leq n/2$ it is required thateither $\\pi(2i-1)=2i-1$ or $\\pi(2i)=2i$, is a NP-complete problem. The proof isby linear reduction from SAT (or NAE...
We investigate the 2-SAT problem in signed CNF formulas, as well as in two relevant subclasses known as regular and monosigned CNF formulas. First, we prove that the signed 2-SAT problem is NP-complete, contrary to what happens with the ... F Manyà - Multiple-Valued Logic 被引量: 81...
From this it is evident, again by the non-nesting property, that the accepting computation follows the pattern (2); therefore each xi is consumed by ui. □ 3. Main result Theorem 3 The set Square of squares is NP-complete. This is true even for sufficiently large finite alphabets....
–The subset sum problem is a good problem to use when proving NP- completeness for problems defined on sets of integers.–We will show that 3-SAT <P SUBSET-SUM.•So: We are given an arbitrary 3-SAT formula and we wish to derive a set S of integers and a target integer t.–Then...
On the other hand, when $g = \\lceil \\frac{w}{2}ceil$, it is easy to find a satisfying assignment via simple generalizations of the algorithms for 2-Sat. Viewing 2-Sat $\\in \\mathrm{P}$ as tractability of Sat when 1 in 2 literals are true in every clause, and NP-hardness...
The main idea of our proof is similar to the strategies adopted by [18,19,39]. We embed the computation of a verifier of solutions for anNP-complete problem (in our case, a variant ofSat, which we callM-Sat) in an assembly, which is relatively straightforward in Winfree’s aTAM. One...
arcangelisia loureiri arcangelo complete co arcbound lancer arcella vulgris arcelor group arceri arcforce arch bares arch cutting arch intern arch np arch puddington arch rise arch size arch theory archaebacterium archaeocyantha archaeological eviden archaeological monume archaeological practi archaeological...
Our main result is that coverability in 2-VASS with one unary counter is in NP. Coverability in binary encoded k-VASS is PSPACE-complete, for k ≥ 2. The lower bound limits the practicality of applications. Therefore, it is sensible to consider restricted variations and quantify their ...
I would like to extract the latest excel file based on the current month from the filepath.if based on the current month, if there is no file, the file...