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272, 12611–12615 (1997). 24. Fujiwara, Y., Browne, C. P., Cunniff, K., Goff, S. C. & Orkin, S. H. Arrested development of embryonic red cell precursors in mouse embryos lacking transcription factor GATA-1. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 93, 12355–12358 (1996). 25. Takahashi, ...
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12610-12615 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 12 Y. Zhao, M. Pennings, C.L. Vrins, L. Calpe-Berdiel, M. Hoekstra, J.K. Kruijt, R. Ottenhoff, R.B. Hildebrand, R. van der Sluis, W. Jessup, et al. Hypocholesterolemia, foam cell accumulation, but no atherosclerosis in mice lacking ...
12610-12615 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 17 X.C. Jiang, L.B. Agellon, A. Walsh, J.L. Breslow, A. Tall Dietary cholesterol increases transcription of the human cholesteryl ester transfer protein gene in transgenic mice. Dependence on natural flanking sequences J. Clin. Invest., 90 (1992)...
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12615 2581 ñ64096 2024-11-2 19:06 来自iPhone客户端 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c +关注 a_lele327 2024-10-29 16:00 来自iPhone客户端 //@朋克小狗认真备考版:比去年还癫狂啊哈哈哈哈//@一包海苔:转存细细品味//@这是一个很高冷的ID:真的好好笑求你们看//@时孝-nIA:非遗节目哈哈...
The combination of OGTT and GAD autoantibodies post-partum identify women with impaired β–cell function. These women should be followed with special focus on development of Type1 diabetes.doi:10.1111/dme.12615T.P.LundbergK.HjlundL.S.Snogdal...