,. is 12615:2004 indian standard energy efficientinduction motors three phase squirrel cage (first revision) 1 scope 1.1 this standard covers the requirements and performance of energyefficient,3 phasesquirrelcage induction motorsin 2, 4, 6 and 8 poles for all frame sizes up to 315 l, having...
given in Tables 1, 2 and 3 may not necessarily comply with this standard. IS 12615 : 2011 2 4.4 Location, Moisture and Fumes It shall be assumed that the location, moisture or fumes shall not seriously interfere with the operation of the motor....
the flies were transferred to Petri dishes at the room temperature and time needed to recover from the cold coma was recorded. The moment when a fly was able to stand on their legs and restore locomotor activity after the cold shock was considered...
Focal nerve enlargement is not the cause for increased distal motor latency in ALS: Sonographic evaluationALSMedian nerveSonographyCarpal tunnel syndromeDistal latencyObjective: To elucidate the mechanism of focal conduction slowing in the median nerve in ALS.Mori, AtsukoNodera, HiroyukiTakamatsu, Naoko...