Overview Causebymanyofreasons――chronichyperglycemia-→metabolicdisorderHyperglycemia――agroupofdiseasescharacterizedbyhighlevelsofbloodglucoseresultingfromdefectsininsulinproduction,insulinaction,orboth. Insulin:Bcells――synthesis-→secretion――bloodcirculation-→targetcells-→bindingwithinsulin...
I had heard of people getting addicted to exercise, but never really believed it and certainly never thought that it would happen to me. It can well happen to you too, if you let it. But don’t believe me. Instead, you might consider doing a little experiment. It will take just a y...
Treatment is by administration of carbohydrate orally to a conscious patient, or i.v. glucose or i.m. glucagon. Adverse Effects Adverse Effects 4.Hypokalemia: may occur in the acidosis patients who use a lot of insulin and glucose, it can lead to the patient death with abnormal heart beat...
I was a type 2 diabetic. I was taking 35 units of insulin, 2000 mg metformin and 80 mg glipizide. I now take none of that. All natural is my new life style. I now read the labels and google all ingredients. I changed to coconut flour, coconut sugar, coconut oil and gluten free....
Overview Causebymanyofreasons――chronichyperglycemia-→metabolicdisorderHyperglycemia――agroupofdiseasescharacterizedbyhighlevelsofbloodglucoseresultingfromdefectsininsulinproduction,insulinaction,orboth. Insulin:Bcells――synthesis-→secretion――bloodcirculation-→targetcells-→bindingwithinsulin...