irrigation: The act of watering or moistening; the covering of anything with water or other liquid for the purpose of making or keeping it moist, as in local medical treatment; especially, the distribution of water over the surface of land to promote the
The meaning of IRRIGATION is the watering of land by artificial means to foster plant growth.
The meaning of IRRIGATION is the watering of land by artificial means to foster plant growth.
reliably is to drill test wells and make on-site measurements. Ideally, a project is planned so as not to use more subsurface water than is recharged. Otherwise, the water is said to be “mined,” meaning that it is being used up as anatural resourceand its use is considered ...
What Makes a Problem Real: Stalking the Illusive Meaning of Qualitative Differences in Gifted Education The author discusses his opposition to gifted curriculum developed largely by teachers and suggests that real problems should be the focus of gifted progra... Renzulli,J. S. - 《Gifted Child ...
Irrigation Agriculture, Meaning, Types, Economic Importance and Management Strategies in Enugu MetropolisThis study looks into irrigation farming in Nigeria with particular reference to Enugu and Anambra States. It raised objectives from which the following hypotheses were formulated: There is correlation ...
Of the many client groups with interests in irrigation system performance, farmers are probably the least often considered. This paper attempts to explore the meaning of irrigation performance from their perspective, highlighting at the outset basic difference between this perspective and that of system...
Two problems hinder these debates 鈥 the paucity of reliable data on small-scale agriculture, and lack of clarity on the meaning of terms such as 'smallholder' and 'small-scale farmer'. This paper applies class-analytic perspectives on social differentiation to critically examine these terms, ...
The meaning of IRRIGATION EFFICIENCY is the ratio between irrigation water actually utilized by growing crops and water diverted from a source (as a stream) in order to supply such irrigation water.
"a supplying of water to land," also in medical use, "supply of a liquid to some part of… See origin and meaning of irrigation.