缺铁性贫血(iron deficiency anemia, IDA)是由于体内储存铁缺乏而影响血红蛋白合成所引起的一种常见贫血。这种贫血特点是骨髓、肝、脾及其他组织中缺乏可染色铁,血清铁浓度和血清转铁蛋白饱和度均降低。典型病例贫血是属于小细胞低色素型。铁缺乏症根据体内缺铁的发展过程,分体内储存铁耗尽(iron depletion,ID)、缺铁性...
IRON deficiency anemiaAGE groupsHUMAN experimentationIRON supplementsERYTHROCYTESIRON deficiencyIron deficiency Anaemia is the most common case of nutritional Anaemia worldwide and is a public health problem in developing countries; characterized by abnormal red cell count (MCV, MCHC)...
6 In iron deficiency anaemia, it is important to determine Wintrobe indices, in other words, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC).1, 25, 26 in terms of morphology, iron deficiency anaemia is mainly characterised by ...
A low MCV, MCH or MCHC, and the appearance of the RBCs on visual examination of a peripheral blood smear will narrow the diagnosis to a microcytic anaemia. Microcytic anemia can also be the result of malabsorption phenomena associated with gluten-sensitive enteropathy/coeliac disease. ...
A low MCV, MCH or MCHC, and the appearance of the RBCs on visual examination of a peripheral blood smear will narrow the diagnosis to a microcytic anaemia. Microcytic anemia can also be the result of malabsorption phenomena associated with gluten-sensitive enteropathy/coeliac disease. ...
Mean of Hemoglobin(g/dl), Hematocrit(%), MCV (fl), MCH (pg), MCHC (g/dl) and ferritin(μ/l) were 12.8±0.9, 38.9±3.0, 80.7±4.3, 26.6±1.8, 33.2±3.6 and 23±18.2, respectively. Of the total, 13.5% were anemic, 68% of which had Iron Deficiency Anemia (9.3% of the total...
Anemia is not a disease but rather a symptom complex that may result from one of three underlying causes: (1) decreased production of RBCs (iron deficiency, pernicious anemia, folate deficiency), (2) blood loss, or (3) increased rate of destruction of circulating RBCs (hypersplenism, ...
The female subjects with thalassemia alone and combined ID & thalassemia had higher RBC count and lower MCV, MCH, and MCHC, when compared to those with anemia from other causes. Table 3 Proportions and hematological characteristics of iron deficiency anemia (IDA), thalassemia and combined IDA and...
Iron deficiency anemia缺铁性贫血-英文 Irondeficiencyanemia CONTENTS INTRODUCTIONETIOLOGY/PATHOGENESISMANIFESTATIONSLABORATORYFINDINGSDIAGNOSIS&DIFFERENTIALTREATMENTCASEREPORT Irondeficiencyanemia(IDA)Theanemiacausedbyinsufficientdietaryironuptake,bleeding,etal,inwhichtheironstorageandhemoglobinsynthesisdecreased.Irondeficiencyis...
2.Microcytichypochromicanemia, MCV<80fl,MCH<26pg,MCHC<32% 3.Redbloodcelldistributionwidth(RDW)↑ 4.Reticulocytecount,normalormildincreaseLaboratoryfindingsaboratoryfindings Bonemarrow, 1.Erythroidhyperplastia(midetomoderate),polychromaticandortho-chromaticnormoblastmakethemajority 2.cytoplasmalessmaturethancell...