缺铁性贫血(iron deficiency anemia, IDA)是由于体内储存铁缺乏而影响血红蛋白合成所引起的一种常见贫血。这种贫血特点是骨髓、肝、脾及其他组织中缺乏可染色铁,血清铁浓度和血清转铁蛋白饱和度均降低。典型病例贫血是属于小细胞低色素型。铁缺乏症根据体内缺铁的发展过程,分体内储存铁耗尽(iron depletion,ID)、缺铁性...
text>We report on a 16-year-old girl who presented with a severe iron deficiency anemia (hemoglobin level 6.2 g/dl, mean red cell volume (MCV) 66.4 fl, serum iron concentration 19 mug/l). Her past medical and family history were not suggestive of celiac disaese. Because ora...
Serum ferritin is the most sensitive lab test for iron deficiency anemia.[2] Change in lab values in iron deficiency anemia Change Parameter Decrease ferritin, hemoglobin, MCV Increase TIBC, transferrin, RDW Iron deficient anemia and Thalassemia Minor present with many of the same lab results...
6 In iron deficiency anaemia, it is important to determine Wintrobe indices, in other words, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC).1, 25, 26 in terms of morphology, iron deficiency anaemia is mainly characterised by ...
Diagnosis of Iron Deficiency Anemia Your doctor will do one or more of these blood tests to find out if you have iron deficiency anemia. Complete blood count (CBC) and mMean cellular volume (MCV) blood tests.ACBCchecks to see how many red blood cells you have. An MCV confirms the averag...
Iron deficiency anemia缺铁性贫血-英文 Irondeficiencyanemia CONTENTS INTRODUCTIONETIOLOGY/PATHOGENESISMANIFESTATIONSLABORATORYFINDINGSDIAGNOSIS&DIFFERENTIALTREATMENTCASEREPORT Irondeficiencyanemia(IDA)Theanemiacausedbyinsufficientdietaryironuptake,bleeding,etal,inwhichtheironstorageandhemoglobinsynthesisdecreased.Irondeficiencyis...
Renal cell carcinoma as a cause of iron deficiency anemia:肾细胞癌为缺铁性贫血的原因 热度: 《临床医学概论》缺铁性贫血 热度: 【临床医学】邹善华-缺铁性贫血教案(1) 热度: 相关推荐 Ironron-DeficiencyeficiencyAnemianemia Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University Zou ShanhuaDefinitionefinition Absentiron...
Serum ferritin is the most sensitive lab test for iron deficiency anemia.[2] Change in lab values in iron deficiency anemia Change Parameter Decrease ferritin, hemoglobin, MCV Increase TIBC, transferrin, RDW Iron deficient anemia and Thalassemia Minor present with many of the same lab results...
Patients with iron deficiency anemia receive oral or parenteral iron replacement therapy, as the source of chronic blood loss is located.25,26The goal of treatment is to return Hb levels and restore MCV to normal. A complete investigation should be performed to determine the etiology of themicroc...