小电容解决iRobot880扫地机Error 5充电问题 购买理由 我家的iRobot Roomba 880扫地机是2014年购入,大体上是隔天清扫,到今年一直正常工作。这7年来更换过一次电池和边刷、尘网、滚刷等若干易损件。 上个月充电过程中扫地机提示了"错误 5"(Error 5),查了一下出现这种错误信息原因是小电流(<400mA)充电时间过长(...
Interesting comments have a https://www.vacuumkoo.com/roomba-860-vs-... the different between the battery one has had this error message and the it look like iRobot mentioned regarding the type of battery used. 25 nov 2018 da gazmitch61 Aggiungi un commento Aggiungi la tua risposta azorn...
irobot roo..日常维护很重要:1)边刷可以拆下,转轴会缠绕毛发;2)滚刷胶刷两头容易缠绕毛发需要常常清理;3)垃圾盒别水洗,尤其是800系列和900系列集尘盒是无刷电机,进水轻则生锈重了当时就挂。到时候就需要找智电
As Error 15 is a general communication error, insufficient battery power can affect the robot’s ability to communicate. Before indicating a low battery, the robot may instead display Error 15. Fully charging the robot’s battery can resolve this issue. Restart the robot and place it on thech...
The iRobot Roomba S9+ is a smart self-cleaning Roomba with Home Base manufactured by iRobot in 2019. 作者:Patrick Bartlett(和另外5个贡献者) 指南 4个答案 0分 What is error code 15 and 31 iRobot Roomba S9 Plus 1个答案 1分 I am getting Error 9 on Roomba ...
iRobat Roomba 9 Self emptying Robat. This Robat is the easiest to use just set it up with a time to start and that’s all you have to do it does the rest. I got a Samsung for Christmas a couple years back and that thing never worked I replaced it 5 times until I just give up...
In addition to that, the Roomba s9+ changes colors showing you what exactly it's doing - cleaning, returning to the base or alerting you to some error. This feature not only adds visual appeal to it but also is very useful since you can notice at a glance when the vac needs your ...
步骤4What to do if you encounter "Error 23" Close the Roomba app on your mobile. Remove the battery from your Roomba. Hold the start button for 10 seconds. Reinstall the battery and charge for a full cycle. Wait for your Roomba to automatically start itself. ...
Dirt Detect™ Technology allows the Roomba® 692 Series Robot Vacuum to detect dirtier areas of your home and clean them more thoroughly. 3/3 Doesn't get hung up. Just gets it done. A full suite of advanced sensors allow this robot to navigate under and around furniture and along edg...