As Error 15 is a general communication error, insufficient battery power can affect the robot’s ability to communicate. Before indicating a low battery, the robot may instead display Error 15. Fully charging the robot’s battery can resolve this issue. Restart the robot and place it on thech...
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What is error code 15 and 31 iRobot Roomba S9 Plus 1个答案 1分 I am getting Error 9 on Roomba iRobot Roomba S9 Plus 1个答案 1分 failed blades in vacuum motor iRobot Roomba S9 Plus 1个答案 2分 Changing tire treads on s9+ Roomba ...
Roomba最受欢迎的名字 作为典型的处女座,Roomba对完美的追求达到了近乎痴狂的状态,它最喜欢做的事就是把家里的地板清扫的一尘不染。为了庆祝Roomba 15周岁的生日,iRobot特意做了个调查并发现了一些趣事,比如说:Roomba一周里最忙的一天是周五、每周平均清洁次数为5次、人均拥有Roomba扫地机器人最多的城市是特拉维夫...
Experience the power of the iRobot Roomba j9+! With 100% stronger suction, this revolutionary robot vacuum effortlessly banishes dirt from both carpets and hard floors, allowing you to focus on what really matters—not cleaning! (Compared to Roomba Combo i Series robots) First-of-its-Kind Dirt...
More than 15 years later, the company shows no signs of stopping, having introduced multiple offshoots of the iconic cleaner such as the Scooba, the Dirt Dog, the Looj, and the Verro. With such innovative hits as the iRobot Roomba 980 robot vacuum, who’d even think of slowing down?
The iRobot Roomba i7 is a robot vacuum with a unique automatic dirt disposal built into its charging dock. Thanks to this design, you don't have to empty the dirt compartment as frequently. Its companion app gives you access to different features like setting up virtual boundaries and scheduli...
2021-07-15 自动集尘的扫地机器人到底有多方便?用了估计你就回不去了! 自动集尘现在属于扫地机器人的标配了,但iRobot Roomba i7+早在2年前就开启了扫地机器人自动集尘功能,那在如今的扫地机器人市场上,它还值得购买吗?这期视频给你答案!
小电容解决iRobot880扫地机Error 5充电问题 购买理由 我家的iRobot Roomba 880扫地机是2014年购入,大体上是隔天清扫,到今年一直正常工作。这7年来更换过一次电池和边刷、尘网、滚刷等若干易损件。 上个月充电过程中扫地机提示了"错误 5"(Error 5),查了一下出现这种错误信息原因是小电流(<400mA)充电时间过长(...
The iRobot Roomba i3 is a robot vacuum that sits at the bottom of iRobot's lineup of smart-pathing vacuums. It also offers self-emptying capability, letting it automatically empty debris from its internal dustbin into an external dirt compartment attached to its charging dock. It feels very ...