Stage 1 IRIS CKD was classified as stable or progressive using the slope of 1/SDMA, calculated from 3 timepoints during the initial 90‐day period. Dogs with slope above or below 0.0007 week × dL/μg were classified as stable or progressive, respectively. Mixed effects modeling...
这样做的理由是CKD进展和蛋白尿进展到临界值存在关联。然而,没有证据表明抗蛋白尿药物干预可减缓CKD疾病进展。 Reduction of phosphate intake: Many cats in Stage 2 will have normal plasma phosphate concentrations but will have increased plasma FGF23 concentration. Evidence suggests that chronic reduction of ...
Stage 3Feline patients:The range of presentations for cats in Stage 3 is likely to be wide, from no clinical signs to quite marked extra-renal clinical signs. The main treatments mentionedso far for stages 1 and 2 are aimed at slowing progression of CKD also apply instage 3 and may be ...