IRF3 and IRF7 require SIRT1 for liquid–liquid phase separation and transactivation of IFN-1Medical and Health SciencesImmunologyDeacetylation of specific lysine residues in the DNA-binding domain of the transcription factors IRF3 and IRF7 by SIRT1 is necessary for liquid–liquid phase separation and...
Deacetylation of specific lysine residues in the DNA-binding domain of the transcription factors IRF3 and IRF7 by SIRT1 is necessary for liquid–liquid phase separation and transactivation of type I interferons. SIRT1 agonists partially restored the impa
病毒与宿主IFN系统的互作决定了感染发生及疾病进程,因而病毒进化出多种策略来逃避或控制宿主抗病毒免疫反应。STING分子作为一个支架蛋白能够特异性的促进IRF3和TBK1的磷酸化,在FN释放中发挥着重要的作用。 禽黄病毒(Tembusu Virus,TMUV)属于黄病毒科黄病毒属的蚊媒病毒,该属许多成员是重要传染病病毒,如登革热病毒、日本...
Collectively, our study highlights PGAM5 as an important regulator for IFNβ production mediated via the TBK1/IRF3 signaling pathway in response to viral infection.doi:10.1038/s41598-020-65155-1Yu-qiang YuMarta ZielinskaWei LiDominic B. Bernkopf...
ELISA 检测Kupffer 细胞培养上清液中干扰素(IFN )β、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF )-α和白细胞介素(IL )-1β含量。结果LXR α蛋白质表达水平在T0901317处理组最高,LPS 处理组最低。联合处理组中,LXR α表达明显低于T0901317处理组(P <0.05),但又显著高于其他两组(P <0.05)。IRF3及GRIP1蛋白表达量在LPS...
Thus, the WTAP-IRF3/IFNAR1 axis may serve as negative feedback pathway to fine-tune the activation of IFN-I signaling to protect the host from immunopathology of overreactive and harmful IFN-I production, which highlights the sophisticated regulatory mechanisms of antiviral responses at post-...
Our study identifies SMYD2 as a negative regulator of IFN-I production against virus infection. The new way of regulating IRF3 phosphorylation will provide insight into the understanding of IFN-I production in the innate response and possible intervention of the related immune disorders....
HSV-1接种,通过RT-q PCR和Western Blot检测,发现沉默IRF3后抑制PBLD上调IFNβ和部分ISGs的表达,表明PBLD促进的Ⅰ型干扰素反应依赖于IRF3.成功构建IRF3发生磷酸化的关键位点S385/386和S396位的突变体表达质粒,将其以及野生型的IRF3分别与PBLD共同转进敲除IRF3的He La细胞系中,用BPIV3,VSV,HSV-1接种,通过Western ...
In this study, we found an acetyltransferase KAT8 in grass carp (CiKAT8, MW286472) that acetylated IRF3/IRF7 and then resulted in inhibition of IFN 1 response. CiKAT8 expression was up-regulated in the cells under poly I:C, B-DNA or Z-DNA stimulation as well ...