Value Added Tax or VAT in other countries. The provision of most financial services, the provision of digital payment tokens, the sale and leasing of residential property and the importation and supply of investment precious metals are exempt from GST. International exports are not subject to GST...
(include standard-rated and zero-rated supplies) made in Singapore other than exempt supplies (e.g. sale and lease of residential properties and provision of financial services such as income from sale of shares and interest, etc). 3.2 SERVICES I have satisfied all the following conditions: (...
GSTRegistrationCalculator-IRAS 系统标签: gstcalculatorirasregistrationtaxablerated GSTRegistrationCalculator1.;(b)Zero-ratedsupplies;(c)Saleandleaseofcommercialproperties(includingtherentaloffurnitureandfittingsandothercharges);Thiscalculatormaytake30minutestocompleteifyouhaveallthe...