Goods and Services Tax Pre-Registration Input Tax: Checklist for Self-Review of Eligibility of Claim SECTION 1: CLAIMANT’S PARTICULARS Name GST Registration Number SECTION 2: TYPES OF PRE-REGISTRATION INPUT TAX CLAIMS Please tick only one box and complete the relevant sections as indicated: Goods...
(b) Non-taxable supplies can be divided into exempt supplies and out-of-scope supplies. A distinction between the different types of supply is important because it determines whether a supply is subject to GST and the rate at which GST will be charged. In addition, it determines whether inpu...
GSTRegistrationCalculator-IRAS 系统标签: gstcalculatorirasregistrationtaxablerated GSTRegistrationCalculator1.;(b)Zero-ratedsupplies;(c)Saleandleaseofcommercialproperties(includingtherentaloffurnitureandfittingsandothercharges);Thiscalculatormaytake30minutestocompleteifyouhaveallthe...