[⑨] Speech by Saddam Hussein, January 2, 1980.(译者注:本人暂时无处查证萨达姆于此日期发表讲话的任何相关视频或文字记录,若有发现会即时添加详细说明)。 [⑩] Quoted in Stanley Chodorow, MacGregor Knox, and Conrad Schirokauer, The Main Stream of Civilization, 5thed. (New York, 1989), p.1052....
Saddam Hussein must be caught or killed, top U.S. official in Iraq says
"The post-Saddam Hussein era in Iraq has been a litany of failures," said Jawaid Iqbal, chairman of the Department of West Asian and North African Studies at Aligarh Muslim University in India."The US invasion of the country led to the installation of a socially isolated puppet regime that...
when former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein signed the Algiers Agreement with the Shah of Iran, ...
"The post-Saddam Hussein era in Iraq has been a litany of failures," said Jawaid Iqbal, chairman of the Department of West Asian and North African Studies at Aligarh Muslim University in India. "The US invasion of the country led to the installation of a socially isolated puppet regime tha...
However, the Bush administration had justified the invasion on the grounds that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, which were never found. Fifty seven percent of Americans at the time also believed, falsely, that Saddam Hussein had played a role in the 9/11 attacks, per Pew....
Translator for Saddam Hussein: We did not ask the question whether we were going to live or die. It's morally unacceptable to ask such a question. Nothing is going to change the will of God. The believer still believes that what God decides is acceptable. ...
"I'm sure Saddam Hussein will continue to say all sorts of things," McClellan said. "What's important is that Saddam Hussein and his regime leaders are going to face justice from the Iraqi people before an Iraqi court." Afterward, 11 other defendants appeared one by one to hear the cha...
With the fall of Saddam Hussein and the Ba'ath regime, Iraq has taken steps toward re-engagement on the international stage. Iraq currently has diplomatic representation in 54 countries around the world, including 3 permanent Missions to the United Nations in New York, the United Nations Commissi...
Saddam Hussein was a pivotal figure in Iraqi politics, serving as president from 1979 until his ousting in 2003. He was known for implementing a platform that merged aspects of social democracy with efforts to maintain cohesion among the country's diverse ethnic and religious groups....