When asked to mark her race, Damavandi will encounter options for white, black, Asian, American Indian and Native Hawaiian — but nothing that she believes represents her family’s Iranian heritage. She will either have to choose white, or identify as “some other race.” “It erases the ...
Race & Class 46 (1): 3–29. https://doi.org/10.1177/0306396804045512. Fozi, Navid. 2013. The Iranian Diaspora in Malaysia: Emergent Pluralism. Middle East Institute. http://www.mei.edu/content/iranian-diaspora-malaysia- emergent-pluralism Glick Schiller, Nina. 2005. Transnational Social ...
Toynbee’s observation; “Different though the non-Western peoples of the world may be from one another in race, language, civilization, and religion, if any Western inquirer asks them their opinion of the West, he will hear them given him the same answer: Russian, Muslim, Hindus, Chinese,...
This study presents a new color-depth based face database gathered from different genders and age ranges from Iranian subjects. Using suitable databases, it is possible to validate and assess available methods in different research fields. This database has application in different fields such as fa...