Pashtuns (/ˈpʌʃˌtʊn/, /ˈpɑːʃˌtʊn/ or /ˈpæʃˌtuːn/; Pashto: پښتانه, Pəx̌tānə́; Pakhtuns. or Pathans), historically known as Afghans, are the largest Iranian ethnic
They are united through race, culture and language. Their Arab dialect resembles the Iraqi Arabic dialect. The Majorities are Shia and Sunni Muslim, although there are a number of other religions and creeds, such as Christians and Mandaeans. The Iranian regime has shown a deep-seated hatred ag...
These factors were analysed with regard to cultural connection, gender equality, age, ethnicity/race, disability, and religion. Sustainability: These include sustainable practices and policies. We delved into the aspects of sustainable practices that support workers’ work experience, exploring their ...
The terms “Persian” and “Iranian”don’tnecessarily mean the same thing. Some people draw a distinction in that Persian relates to a particular ethnicity, and being Iranian is a claim to a certain nationality. Thus, a person could be one without being the other. The Difference Between Per...
Most obvious would be claims of general racial or ethnic superiority–a master race, for example. Less obvious are claims of ennoblement because of alleged victimhood, a special relationship with God, membership in a special “elite” or “class,” and a kind of aloof “highminded” snobbishn...
Lawrence Tabas,chairman of the Republican Party in Pennsylvania, one of the swing states on which the 2020 race could hinge, told Gellman. “I’ve mentioned it to them, and I hope they’re thinking about it too. It is one of the available legal options set forth in the constitution.”...
I think it is. The ecologist-turned-quantitative-historian Peter Turchin has suggested that “higher religion” is a “meta-ethnic” identity. That is, an identity that transcends tribe, ethnicity, and race. Contrary to what racial nationalists like to think, historically race has not been a ...
This is a vain delusion. Yeshuah who is both Lord and Christ must reign until all counter realities that are mere fabrications and assertions of opposed wills are under his feet. The last enemy being death itself. 1 Cor 15:25. Your people, and I assume that you are of Caucasian race ...
If culture A has a deeply held tenet that child sacrifice is of the greatest importance, while culture B holds equally strongly that children are a gift from the divine and are to be treated appropriately, there'll be conflict. This conflict will have nothing to do with the "race" of the...
and skin color of a user, it has been observed in eye tracking studies that test subjects view “other-race faces” differently than faces of their “own race” in terms of the facial features scanned (e.g., initial focus and greater proportion of fixation time on the eyes vs. nose and...