1% other Note: In 2018, The CIA World Factbook stated that Iran's ethnic groups are Persian, Azeri, Kurd, Lur, Baloch, Arab, Turkmen and Turkic tribes.2The CIA World Factbook no longer provides percentage breakdowns of Iran's ethnic groups. Official Language of Iran In 2015, the CIA Worl...
percentage of ethnic groups inside Iran (Sources: Oneline survey by the author, course data, 427 samples and CIA's world factbook) 0% 20% 40% 60% Persian Azeri Gilak Kurd Arab Lor Balouch Turkmen Other Iranian-Canadians Ethnic Iranians Ethnic (inside Iran) Figure 30 ©2005 Vahid Garousi,...
and FEF25−75%based on lung function data from 622 healthy Iranian populations. Genetic and environmental variables play a substantial role in the variability of lung function, so it is important to establish reference values appropriate to the ethnic and ecological characteristics of the local popu...
The GSTT1 is genetically deleted in a high percentage of the different ethnic groups. Although this gene is highly conserved during evolution, it is indeed surprising that the GSTT1 deleted gene could be found in high incidence of human population. Conjugator and non-conjugator phenotypes are ...
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is among the most common autosomal recessive disorders with different incidence rates in different ethnic groups. In the current study, we have determined SMN1, SMN2 and NAIP copy numbers in an Iranian population using MLPA
(10.5) Categorical variables are expressed by number and percentage (%) and continuous variables by the mean and standard deviation (SD) a Independent-samples T-test b Chi-square test P-value 0.722a 0.770b 0.077b < 0.001b < 0.001b < 0.001b < 0.001b < ...
These two mutations were found in different geographical areas and ethnic groups in the Iranian population. Both of them were detected twice in homozygous state, because of consanguinity, and twice in compound heterozygous state. The p.N1303K mutation is found worldwide at a rather high frequency...
Number (percentage) of respondents is presented. Total number of respondents equals total number per group unless otherwise indicated. and if they felt it was easy to make an appointment (OR = 6.0, 95% CI 1.3–28.1). Respondents in full- or part-time employment indicated they were more ...