Important Asiatic migrations, however, also originated in Central Eurasia. Such movements must have begun as early as 10,000 years ago, but probably the most significant of those migrations for the present ethnic and linguistic makeup of the continent were those of the Indo-European-speaking peopl...
populations, whereas one (Tanolis) did not. Four haplogroups (R1a, R1b, O3, L) among the 11 Y-chromosome lineages observed among these five ethnic groups contributed substantially to their paternal genetic makeup. Gujars, Syeds and Yousafzais showed strong paternal genetic affinities with other...
This differential distribution has been attributed to the impact of external influences on South Asian populations. The earliest evidence of farming-based economies in South Asia has been traced to the introduction of West Asian cultigens such as wheat and barley at Mehrgarh, Pakistan, dating to8 ...