Additionally, the IC supply voltage continues to drop with the inevitable scaling of VLSI technology. With the switch to 90 nm technologies from 130 nm technology, supply voltages have shrunk to 1.2 V and below. According to the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, this trend is ...
嵌套式层次化IR-drop求解的主要步骤为: 3 VLSI P/G网的瞬态IR—drop分析 1. 对最底层子网进行Cholesky分解,得到子网等效模型I=A*V中的A; 2. 由子网等效模型建立上一层等效全局网模型; 3.求解该全局网,得到端口节点电压; 4. 用适当的迭代法求解每个子网内部节点的电压; 5.对上~层子网进行从l~5的操作,...
Dynamic voltage (IR) drop, unlike the static voltage drop depends on the switching activity of the design, and hence it is vector dependent. In this paper we have highlighted the pitfalls in the common design closure methodology that addresses static IR drop well, but often fails to bound the...
networksinVLSIisincreasing,andthesupplyvoltagegetslower.Thesenewfeatureswill causeIR-dropontheP/Gnetwork,soastofluctuatethesupplyvoltage,increasethelogic gatedelay,anddecreasethenoisemargin.Therefore,reducingIR-dropinP/Gnetworks hasbecomeanimportantgoalinthedesignofintegratedcircuits. ...
Sometimes, there is a scenario where there is no space to add decap cells and a concern for IR drop is there, so such cells if get used in those regions for hold fixing can act as decap cells as well and hence serve DUAL PURPOSE without any extra cost. Uncertainty has reduced. When...
IR-Drop Aware Clustering Technique for Robust Power Grid in FPGAs Anis. IR-Drop Aware Clustering Technique for Robust Power Grid in FPGAs. Systems, IEEE Trans. on VLSI, 19(7):1181-1191, July 2011... Kumar,A.,Anis,... - 《IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems》 被...
Due to the positive feedback loop between power grid Joule heating and the linear temperature dependence of resistivity, non-uniform temperature profiles on the power grid in high-performance IC influence the IR drop in the power grid. Lack of accurate evaluation of thermal effect on the IR drop...
1)IR dropIR降 1.The influence of soil resistivity and coating defects onIR droperror in cathodic protection(CP)potential measurement was studied by theoretical methods.理论分析土壤电阻率和涂层缺陷电阻等参数对埋地管道阴极保护电位测量时IR降误差的影响 ,建立IR降电阻因子计算模型 ,并用实验数据验证 ,此外...