Bill Gates founder of Microsoft USA IQ 160 Bill (William) Jefferson Clinton President USA IQ 137 Blaise Pascal Mathematics France IQ 195 Bobby Fischer chess player USA IQ 187 Michelangelo Buonarroti artist, poet, architect Italy IQ 180 Carl von Linn botanist Sweden IQ 165 Charles Darwin...
,Bill Gates,China,DARPA,EU referendum,experts,Gigerenzer,Hogarth,Hsu,intellectual property,IQ,Mark Warner,OpenAI,procurement,science policy,Single Market,von Neumann,Warren Buffett,WMD June 23, 2017 On the referendum #23, a year after victory: ‘a change of perspective is worth 80 IQ points’ &...
BillGatesCEO,MicrosoftUSA160 Bill(William)J.ClintonPresidentUSA137 BlaisePascal Mathematician& religiousphilosopher France195 BobbyFischerChessplayerUSA187 BonaparteNapoleonEmperorFrance145 BuonarrotiMichelangeloArtist,poet&architectItaly180 CarlvonLinnBotanistSweden165 ...