Bill Gates 160 Conan O'Brien 160 Nikola Tesla 189 Charles Dickens 180 Nicole Kidman 132 Jeff Bezos 142 Read our latest news Interested in learning more about IQ? Discover different types of intelligence, ways to boost your IQ score by reading our blog!
保罗·艾伦今年59岁,美国企业家,其IQ得分为170。 保罗·艾伦1953年出生于美国西雅图,中学毕业后入读华盛顿州立大学,但为了追逐编写商业软件梦想,他在两年之后辍学,后来与从哈佛大学辍学的比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)联手于1975年在新墨西哥州的阿布奎基创立了微软公司,开始销售BASIC解译器。1980年,微软在艾伦牵头下以5.9...
即使是学习能力超乎寻常的 Bill Gates 也把失去心智能力列为他的首要忧虑。我们可以通过促进健康的生活方式,包括大量的优质睡眠和良好的学习,来阻止这种自我关注的流行病。 结论 我们应该把 IQ 从流行文化和智力的流行科学中剥离出来。相反,我们应该关注真正重要的东西,即被理解为「解决问题的能力」的智力。我们应该...
If Bill Gates is any indication, you need to have an IQ of about 160, which is exactly where this tech genius comes in on this list. Smart and wealthy. It is a winning combination. 要成为这个星球上最富有的人, 你得有多聪明?如果比尔盖茨有任何代表性的话, 你需要有一个大约160的智商, 这...
Bill Gates - Business Leader 6. IQ 160 Quentin Tarantino - Director 7. IQ 160 Stephen W. Hawking - Theoretical Physicist 8. IQ 154 Sharon Stone - Actor 9. IQ 142 Steve Martin - Actor 10. IQ 140 Hillary Clinton - Politician IQ FAQ ...
No, see the comment of the online Document -Top 5 Reasons to Migrate SAP IQ Systems to SAP HANA Cloud, Data Lake SAP ILM - Documentation and Information Blog -Mastering the Data Deluge: A Comprehensive Guide to SAP's Volume Management, Archiving, and Disposit... ...
The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency. –Bill Gates ...
- Bill Gates IQ 160 - Stephen Hawking IQ 160 Take a quick IQ test to find out your IQ, just 30 minutes for 40 questions of riddle games, logic games and maths games. The more IQ tests you perform, the more real the final result will be. With 4 IQ tests of riddle games, maths ...
There are only 0.2% of people with your level of IQ! Your name has every chance to sound as loud as the names of Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking - because you have the same level of IQ. Such people as you are able to make a high contribution to the development of knowledge and ...
- Bill Gates IQ 160 - Stephen Hawking IQ 160 Take a quick IQ test to find out your IQ, just 30 minutes for 40 questions of riddle games, logic games and maths games. The more IQ tests you perform, the more real the final result will be. With 4 IQ tests of riddle games, maths ...