IPv6 Packet FormatAn IPv6 packet has three parts: an IPv6 basic header, one or more IPv6 extension headers, and an upper-layer protocol data unit (PDU). An upper-layer PDU is composed of the upper-layer protocol header and its payload, which maybe an ICMPv6 packet, a TCP packet, ...
In IPv6, the Options field of the IPv4 header has been removed and multiple extension headers have been introduced. This improves packet processing efficiency, enhances IPv6 flexibility, and provides better extensibility for the IP protocol. When multiple extension headers are used in the same packe...
IPv6 Packet Header Format The IPv6 protocol defines a set of headers, including the basic IPv6 header and the IPv6 extension headers. The following figure shows the fields that appear in the IPv6 header and the order in which the fields appear. Figure 11-3 IPv6 Basic Header Format The ...
源数据包中的不可分片部分,Payload Length为此分片数据包的排除IPv6包头长以外的所有数据长度,Next Header中必然为Fragment Header for IPv6(44); 扩展包头——Fragment Header——内容:a. Next Header为源数据包中的Next Header;b. Fragment Offset: 第一个分片为0,之后的分片为8的整数倍;c. M flag:最后一个...
1、IPv6 Header Format 首先来看一下RFC2460中定义的如下IPv6 Header Format: 由于IPv6头中没有了可变位,所以IPv6的包头长度是固定的为40bytes, 并且移除了IPv4包头中的Internet header length(4)、Identifier(16)、Flags(3)、Framented Offset(13)、Options(Length variable、used for test)、Padding。
IPv6PacketFormat 2 IPv6:LargeAddressSpace IPV6headersize:256bitsIPV4HeaderSize:64bits IPv6PacketFormat3 IPFrame IPpacketsarecarriedoverlink-layertechnologiessuchasEthernet(10Mbps),FastEthernet(100Mbps),GigabitEthernet(1000Mbps),FrameRelay,andmanyothers.Eachlink-layertechnologyfamilyhasitsown...
In IPv6, use of the UDP checksum is required to check the integrity of the inner packet.) Additionally, the basic IPv6 packet header and Options field are aligned to 64 bits, which can facilitate the processing of IPv6 packets. Figure...
Figure 4. IPv4 Packet Header Format The basic IPv6 packet header has 8 fields with a total size of 40 octets (320 bits). Fields were removed from the IPv6 header because, in IPv6, fragmentation is not handled by routers and checksums at the netwo...
IPv6PacketFormat5 IPPacket AnIPpackethastwofundamentalcomponents: 1.IPheader IPheadercontainsmanyfieldsthatareusedbyroutersto forwardthepacketfromnetworktonetworktoafinaldestination. Containslayer3info FieldswithintheIPheaderidentifythesender,receiver,and ...
The Options field in the IPv4 packet header contains a maximum of 40 bytes, whereas the IPv6 extension headers are restricted to the maximum size of IPv6 packets. IPv6 addresses IPv6 address format An IPv6 address is represented as a set of 16-bit hexadecimals separated by colons (:). ...