IPv6 Packet Header Format The IPv6 protocol defines a set of headers, including the basic IPv6 header and the IPv6 extension headers. The following figure shows the fields that appear in the IPv6 header and the order in which the fields appear. Figure 11-3 IPv6 Basic Header Format The ...
IPv6 Header and ExtensionsThe IPv6 protocol defines a set of headers, including the basic IPv6 header and the IPv6 extension headers. Header FormatThe following figure shows the elements that appear in the IPv6 header and the order in which the elements appear....
In IPv6, the Options field of the IPv4 header has been removed and multiple extension headers have been introduced. This improves packet processing efficiency, enhances IPv6 flexibility, and provides better extensibility for the IP protocol. When multiple extension headers are used in the same packe...
IPv6 Packet FormatAn IPv6 packet has three parts: an IPv6 basic header, one or more IPv6 extension headers, and an upper-layer protocol data unit (PDU). An upper-layer PDU is composed of the upper-layer protocol header and its payload, which maybe an ICMPv6 packet, a TCP packet, or...
The stack currently supports the following: basic IPv6 header processing; hop-by-hop options; destination options; fragmentation and routing headers; neighbor discovery; stateless address autoconfiguration; Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6); Ethernet and FDDI media; automatic and config...
Typically, the final extension header has a Next Header field of a transport-layer protocol, such as TCP or UDP. This figure below shows the IPv6 extension header format. Figure 6. IPv6 Extension Header Format This table lists the ext...
Protocol:下层协议,如UDP或TCP等; Header Checksum:首部校验和; Source Address:源IP地址; Destination Address:目的IP地址; Options:选项字段; Padding:填充字段。 2、接下来,看下IPv6的报文格式,由此比较下与IPv4的报文格式的区别: Version:此字段与IPv4的报文格式相同,4代表IPv4,6代表IPv6; ...
Typically, the final extension header has a Next Header field of a transport-layer protocol, such as TCP or UDP. This figure below shows the IPv6 extension header format. Figure 6. IPv6 Extension Header Format This table lists the extension header types...
Packet format An IPv4 packet header has an optional field (Options), which includes Security, Timestamp, and Record Route options. The variable length of the Options field results in an IPv4 packet header length range of 20 bytes to 60 bytes. IPv4 packets often need to be forwarded by in...
FieldswithintheIPheaderidentifythesender,receiver,and transportprotocolanddefinemanyotherParameters. 1.Payload Representstheinformation(data)tobedeliveredtothereceiver bythesender. Containsdata&upper-layerinfo IPv6PacketFormat6 ScopeofIPv6withtheOSIReference ...