The format of the IPv4 header field is the same as the header of an IPv4 packet, and the format of the IPv6 header field in IPv6 in IP (6to4) packet is the same as the header of an IPv6 packet. For details, see IPv4 Packet Format and IPv6 Packet Format. Packet Example Fig...
IPv6和IPv4相比,去除了IHL、identifiers、Flags、Fragment Offset、Protocol、Header Checksum、 Options、Paddiing,新增了Flow Label和Next Header,而且理论上这Next Header可以无限扩展; IPv4中的Header Checksum被去掉了,是因为IPv4经过每个路由器都要改变TTL,意味着每个路由器都要重新计算这个值,这会大大的降低效率,由于...
IPv6和IPv4相比,去除了IHL、identifiers、Flags、Fragment Offset、Header Checksum、 Options、Padding域,只增了流标签域,因此IPv6报文头的处理较IPv4大大简化,提高了处理效率。另外,IPv6为了更好支持各种选项处理,提出了扩展头的概念,新增选项时不必修改现有结构就能做到,理论上可以无限扩展,体现了优异的灵活性。下面为...
1.Version(4位)用来表明IP协议版本,如果是IPv4协议,为0100(也就是十进制的4) 2.IHL(Internet Header Length)来记录头部的总长度。 3.Type of Service 服务类型。Type of Service最初是用来给IP包分优先级,比如语音通话需要实时性,所以它的IP包应该比Web服务的IP包有更高的优先级。后来,Type of Service被实...
4.3.1 IPv4 Datagram Format 我们先通过了解 IPv4 数据包来开始 IP 的学习。 IPv4 datagram format 各个字段的含义为: 其header 一共占 20 字节。和 TCP 协议的 header 大小一样。 4.3.2 IPv4 Datagram Fragmentation 不同的链路层协议的 MTU (maximum transmission unit) 不同。例如,Ethernet 可以支持最多 150...
Next Header:下一报文头,用来标识IPv6扩展报文头的信息; Hop Limit:跳数限制,与IPv4中的TTL类似; Source Address:源IP地址; Destination Address:目的IP地址; Extension Headers:扩展报文头信息。 相比较IPv4的报文格式,IPv6的报文格式比较简单,根本原因是IPv6报文格式中引入了IPv6扩展报文头的概念。
IPv6(Internet Protocol version 6,互联网通信协议第6版)是数据包交换互联网络的网络层协议,主要用于寻址和路由,是IETF(互联网工程任务小组Internet Engineering Task Force,简称IETF)设计用来替代IPv4协议的,在早期协议发展阶段,IPv6也叫做IPng。 IETF自1990年开始,开始规划IPv4的下一代协议,除要解决IP地址短缺问题外...
An application can have a common address format for both IPv6 addresses and IPv4 addresses. The common address format can represent an IPv4 address as a 128-bit mapped address. However, IPv4–to-IPv6 protocol translators also allow these addresses to be used....
The IPv4 is a 32-bit address, whereas IPv6 is a 128-bit hexadecimal address. IPv6 provides a large address space, and it contains a simple header as compared to IPv4. It provides transition strategies that convert IPv4 into IPv6, and these strategies are as follows: Dual stacking: It ...
•Encapsulating Security Payload EHis similar in format and use to the IPv4 ESP header defined in RFC2406 [5]. All information following the Encapsulating Security Header (ESH) is encrypted and for that reason, it is inaccessible to intermediary network devices. The ESH can be followed by an...