骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)是一组起源于造血干细胞的异质性髓系克隆性疾病,其特点是髓系细胞发育异常,表现为无效造血、难治性血细胞减少,高风险向急性髓系白血病(AML)转化。 图源网络 风险分层对于评估MDS患者疾病危险度、生存期和制定治疗策略具有重要指导意义,...
Low IPSS score and bone marrow hypocellularity in MDS patients predict hematological responses to antithymocyte globulin. Leukemia. 2007;21(7):1436-1441.Lim ZY, Killick S, Germing U, et al. Low IPSS score and bone marrow hypo- cellularity in MDS patients predict hematological responses to ...
Study supported by the MDS Foundation. IPSS-M Very Low Low Moderate Low Moderate High High Very High Patients, % (n=2,701) 14% (381) 33% (889) 11% (302) 11% (281) 14% (379) 17% (469) Risk score ≤–1.5 >–1.5 to –0.5 >–0.5 to 0 > 0 to 0.5 > 0.5 to ...
②常规利用FISH检测手段寻找细胞遗传学证据,可减少MDS的漏诊率。③较长的病程及不良的骨髓细胞核型是影响RCC患儿病情程度的重要因素。④IPSS-R积分系统的使用,可以避免部分RCC患儿的病情被低估。 关键字:儿童 骨髓增生异常综合征 细胞遗传学 IPSS-R The Application of Revised International Prognostic Score System in...
Newly developed prognostic score for myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) with isolated 5q deletion (IPSS-del(5q)). Blood. 2024;144(suppl 1):666. doi:10.1182/blood-2024-194405Recent Videos Assessing the Need for Extended Monitoring After Axi-Cel Infusion Dreyling Discusses the Impact of the ...
国际前列腺症状评分(international prostate symptom score) 国际前列腺症状评分(Ipss)、生活质量评分(QOLs)、利余尿量(RuV)减少,最大尿流率(Qmax)增高,术前、术后具有显著性差异(… cdmd.cnki.com.cn|基于1609个网页 2. 国际前列腺症状评分表 国际前列腺症状评分表(IPSS) 国际前列腺症状评分表(IPSS) 在过去一...
The optimal therapy for myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is allogeneic bone marrow (BM) or blood (BSC) stem cell transplantation (SCT), although outcomes are limited by nonrelapse mortality (NRM) and relapse. A retrospective review was performed of 156 patients who underwent SCT (114 BM, 42 BSC...
(38.89%),男:女=1.57:1;入院后患者均进行血常规,骨髓细胞形态学,骨髓活检,细胞遗传学,分子遗传学等检查.72例MDS患者的诊断标准均符合2008WHO分型[2],除外其他反应性发育异常疾病[3].根据国际预后积分系统(international prostate symptom score,IPSS),世界卫生组织分型预后积分系统(World Health Organization ...
OBJECTIVE: To measure the course of compliance with French practice guidelines concerning the use of the IPSS score in the management of patients with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in a teaching hospital urology department. MATERIAL: Data of this study were derived from the computeriz...
1) IPSS IPSS 1. The Research about BPH Patients: Compare Post-voiding Residual with Residual Fraction and the Factors Contribute toIPSS; BPH患者的残余尿和剩余分数的作用比较及IPSS影响因素的研究 2. To get the message ofIPSSscore and quality of life score of group TURP and group OP BPH patient...