如果你的 iPhone 屏幕死机、在你触摸后没有响应或者在开机时卡住,请了解该怎么做。 iPhone 屏幕显示黑屏或死机 iPhone 在显示 Apple 标志时卡住 如果屏幕显示黑屏或冻结 请按照适用于你设备的步骤操作。 在iPhone 8 或更新机型(包括 iPhone SE(第 2 代和第 3 代))上 按下调高音量按钮再快速松开。 按下调低...
拖移这个滑块,然后等待 30 秒以便设备关机。如果设备死机或没有响应,请强制重新启动设备。 要将设备重新开机,请按住侧边按钮(在 iPhone 的右侧),直到看到 Apple 标志。 如何重新启动 iPhone 6、iPhone 7、iPhone 8 或 iPhone SE(第 2 代或第 3 代) ...
"my iPhone does not turn on and ask to go to support.apple.com/phone/restore: I am not able to restart my phone" --- Troubleshooting iPhone Power: Perform a Restart: A. Try Force Restarting your iPhone: Save any information that need be. Then perform the restart. Go Here: Force Rest...
but it doesnt have any result and my phone was working very slow, and I turned it off for better working and after that I wanted turn it on, it still in apple logo, and it doesnt work anymore I dont know what can I do, I dont have...
You can tell that your iPhone is completely dead if it won’t turn on or reboot even when plugged in. If connecting it to power brings your iPhone to life, then look into changing your battery. Why does my iPhone keep turning off? This can happen due to overheating, faulty hardware,...
When you see a pop-up message appear on your screen, choose Update. If this does not resolve your problems, then repeat the steps above but tap Restore in step 3 instead. But beware that restoring your iPhone will wipe all user data and revert it to factory settings, so this should be...
not charged enough, then you might get the iPhone XS (Max) screen black issue. Before turning off, your phone would inform you about its low battery status. If you have not paid attention to it and your phone has exhausted its entire charge, then the iPhone XS (Max) won’t turn on....
If your iPhone X is still not turning on, it also might be your charging cable or adapter that might be faulty. If it is, it may give you the idea that your iPhone is maybe broken as it won’t turn on. But in reality, it is just flat!
若要设置“切换控制”,你需要连接并添加一个或多个切换,然后为每个切换指定一个操作。你可以选取扫描样式以及微调其他设置来满足自身需求。打开“切换控制”后,你可能需要更改已指定的操作或者重新调整设置。如果在执行这些步骤时遇到困难,你可以就近向 Apple Store 商店寻求针对个人问题的帮助。
借助“屏幕使用时间”,你可以打开“内容与隐私限制”,以管理孩子设备上的内容、App 和设置。你还可以限制儿童不宜内容、购买项目和下载项目,以及对隐私设置的更改。 通过Apple 的家长控制这些重要工具,家长可以选择让孩子以什么样的方式和频率来使用设备。家长控制直接内建在每台 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 中。