如果你的 iPhone 屏幕死机、在你触摸后没有响应或者在开机时卡住,请了解该怎么做。 iPhone 屏幕显示黑屏或死机 iPhone 在显示 Apple 标志时卡住 如果屏幕显示黑屏或冻结 请按照适用于你设备的步骤操作。 在iPhone 8 或更新机型(包括 iPhone SE(第 2 代和第 3 代))上 按下调高音量按钮再快速松开。 按下调低...
拖移这个滑块,然后等待 30 秒以便设备关机。如果设备死机或没有响应,请强制重新启动设备。 要将设备重新开机,请按住侧边按钮(在 iPhone 的右侧),直到看到 Apple 标志。 如何重新启动 iPhone 6、iPhone 7、iPhone 8 或 iPhone SE(第 2 代或第 3 代) ...
karebear07 Author User level: Level 1 4 points iphone will not turn on or off just stays with the apple logo what do i do if my iphone only shows the apple logo? it wont turn on or off it just stays black with apple logo. Posted on Dec 14, 2020 10:01 PM Me too (4) Re...
4 points my iphone 11 will not turn on, when i attempt to turn on. The apple symbol appears and the phone never turns on iphone11 will not turn on the apple appears but nothing happens I hold the power button and then support.apple.com/iphone/restore appears ...
It's every iPhone owner's worst nightmare — you try to power on your device only to see an ominous blank screen. While that’s frustrating, there are solutions. Learn why your iPhone won’t turn on and how to fix it. Then, download an all-in-one security app like Avast One to ...
If your iPhone won’t turn on because of hardware problems, there's not much you’ll be able to do besides taking it to service. But, before you do — be sure to rule out the two reasons you can attempt fixing on your own: Empty battery (try charging for at least half an hour)...
Additionally, if your phone does not turn on as expected, you should try charging the phone for at least 10 minutes before trying again. Bad Battery Over time, the batteries in smartphones will start to degrade and hold less and less charge over time. If you’ve been using your iPhone ...
If your iPhone won't start, try these step-by-step expert tips from the iSmash experts. Find out how to fix your iPhone that won't turn on or charge.
Don’t worry; We suggest force restarting iPhone 11 because it might be possible that it is stuck on the black screen; if it is the case, force rebooting the device would work and turn on the iPhone. This will close all the background services, relieving the load from the pr...
If your iPhone X is still not turning on, it also might be your charging cable or adapter that might be faulty. If it is, it may give you the idea that your iPhone is maybe broken as it won’t turn on. But in reality, it is just flat!