You also need to persuade her that you need her help, meaning that your needs conflict. Face needs; components --- --- are --- to one's desired public image Facework What are the behaviors called that we use to achieve face? Threatened Although we all have our own face needs, we on...
302√ HeaderNotes:TheLocation headercontainstheURIofthe resource. BodyNotes:Thebodymay containthenewresource location. ―BadRequest‖–Therequest 400wasbadlyformed.Thisis√√ commonlyusedforcreatingor 9 HTTP StatusRESTMeaningGETPUTPOSTDELETE Codes updatingaresource,butthe datawasincompleteor incorrect. Head...
Interpreter Settings sys包含用于访问解释器的编译时或运行时配置设置的属性和函数。 Build-time Version Information sys.version:一个字符串,包含Python解释器的版本号以及版本号和使用的编译器的额外信息。交互式解释器启动时将显示此字符串。不用从它提取版本信息,使用version_info和platform模块所提供的函数。 sys.vers...
If the flight altitudes, horizontal trajectories, or adjusted time intervals (calculated by Equation (14) or (15)) do not meet the constraints listed in Section 5, the fitness of the whale agent is defined as 0, meaning that the corresponding IPCB geometry configuration is not feasible in th...