144 (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=oracle.example.com)(PORT=1521))) 145 (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=EXTPROC1521))) 146 The listener supports no services 147 The command completed successfully 148 [oracle@oracle ~]$ lsnctl status 149 -bash: lsnctl: command not found ...
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perlipc(1) perlirix(1) perlivp(1) perljp(1) perlko(1) perllexwarn(1) perllinux(1) perllocale(1) perllol(1) perlmacos(1) perlmacosx(1) perlmod(1) perlmodinstall(1) perlmodlib(1) perlmodstyle(1) perlmpeix(1) perlmroapi(1) perlnetware(1) perlnewmod(1) perlnumber(1) perl...
and its use or adaptation is entirely voluntary.IPC disclaims all liability of any kind as to the use,application,or adaptation of this material.Users are also wholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims or liabilities for patent infringement.Equipment referenced is for the ...
The data structure is referred to as msqid_ds and contains the following members: struct struct struct ulong_t ulong_t ulong_t ipc_perm msg_perm; msg *msg_first; msg *msg_last; msg_cbytes; msg_qnum; msg_qbytes; Introduction 27 Intro(2) pid_t pid_t time_t time_t time_t msg_...