IPAD 2 Stuck in restore mode My iPad 2 is stuck in restore mode 1 year ago 278 1 How do I fix my Ipad stuck on restore mode (without a computer) 3 years ago 159 1 iPad is stuck on the restore page How to restore iPad that is stuck on the restore screen 2 years ago 77...
步骤二:进入恢复模式 (Step 2: Enter Recovery Mode) 对于iPad带有主页按钮的型号:同时按住“主页按钮”和“顶部按钮”,直到看到恢复模式屏幕。 对于没有主页按钮的型号:快速按一下音量增加按钮,再快速按一下音量减少按钮,最后按住顶部按钮,直至看到恢复模式屏幕。 步骤三:选择“恢复” (Step 3: Select Restore) ...
Restore failed (result = 10)[14:38:15.0993] Restore completed, status:10[14:38:15.0993] Restore Checkpoint Fingerprint: 0655.000A[14:38:15.0993] Failure Description:[14:38:15.0993] Depth:0 Code:-1 Error:AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 10[14:38:15.0993] Depth:1...
Restore failed (result = 10)[14:38:15.0993] Restore completed, status:10[14:38:15.0993] Restore Checkpoint Fingerprint: 0655.000A[14:38:15.0993] Failure Description:[14:38:15.0993] Depth:0 Code:-1 Error:AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 10[14:38:15.0993] Depth:1...
这个错误通常表明 iTunes 无法与 Apple 的软件更新服务器通信,从而导致刷机或恢复过程失败。错误描述 "Failed to copy preflight options during recovery mode restore" 进一步说明了在恢复模式下恢复设备时,iTunes 未能成功复制预检选项。 出现错误 3194 的原因可能包括:...
10:23:17.911: <Restore Device 001C14E0>: Restore failed (result = 9)10:23:17.911: Can't send dump_console command since device is not in recovery mode10:23:17.911: AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 910:23:17.911: Finished RestoreOS Restore Phase: Failed10:23...
这个错误通常表明 iTunes 无法与 Apple 的软件更新服务器通信,从而导致刷机或恢复过程失败。错误描述 "Failed to copy preflight options during recovery mode restore" 进一步说明了在恢复模式下恢复设备时,iTunes 未能成功复制预检选项。 出现错误 3194 的原因可能包括:...
10. After the Update or Restore completes, set up your iPad. You can find these steps in If you can't update or restore your iPad - Apple Support. Regards. Reply of 1 ipad 2 won't enter recovery mode Welcome to Apple Support Community A...
packing: Restore.plist (2094)packing: kernelcache.release.k94 (7928548) 《==固件制作完成SYAs-iMac:macos STA$ ./idevicerestore -t custom_downgrade.ipsw 《==制作降级所需的SHSH文件NOTE: Updated version data.Found device in Normal modeIdentified device as iPad2,2Extracting BuildManifest from IPSW...
./pwn.sh ./restore.sh 这个降级特别适合那些旧iPhone或iPad因扩容或者换零件后,更新iOS11以后的系统无法激活的情况。虽然降级过程中有很多问题,不过通过查询后一一解决的感觉真不错,希望大家能一次就降级成功,如果有问题的话,可以评论留言,大家交流下。