如果出现恢复屏幕,请将设备连接到电脑并重新启动设备。你可能还需要重新安装 iOS 或 iPadOS。 连接到电脑 使用设备随附的线缆将你的设备连接到电脑。不要断开设备与电脑的连接。 重新启动设备 对于iPhone 8 或更新机型:按下调高音量按钮再快速松开。按下调低音量按钮再快速松开。按住侧边按钮,直到出现 Apple 标志。
步骤二:进入恢复模式 (Step 2: Enter Recovery Mode) 对于iPad带有主页按钮的型号:同时按住“主页按钮”和“顶部按钮”,直到看到恢复模式屏幕。 对于没有主页按钮的型号:快速按一下音量增加按钮,再快速按一下音量减少按钮,最后按住顶部按钮,直至看到恢复模式屏幕。 步骤三:选择“恢复” (Step 3: Select Restore) ...
错误描述 "Failed to copy preflight options during recovery mode restore" 进一步说明了在恢复模式下恢复设备时,iTunes 未能成功复制预检选项。 出现错误 3194 的原因可能包括: hosts 文件被修改:有时候,为了解决其他问题或出于其他原因,用户可能会修改电脑上的 hosts 文件,这可能会导致 iTunes 无法正确连接到 Appl...
错误描述 "Failed to copy preflight options during recovery mode restore" 进一步说明了在恢复模式下恢复设备时,iTunes 未能成功复制预检选项。 出现错误 3194 的原因可能包括: hosts 文件被修改:有时候,为了解决其他问题或出于其他原因,用户可能会修改电脑上的 hosts 文件,这可能会导致 iTunes 无法正确连接到 Appl...
Here it is again: If you can't update or restore your iPad - Apple Support Put your iPad in recovery mode and set it up again 1. Make sure that your Mac is up to date. If you're using iTunes, make sure you have the latest version of iTunes. 2. On a Mac with macOS ...
10:23:17.911: Can't send dump_console command since device is not in recovery mode10:23:17.911: AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 910:23:17.911: Finished RestoreOS Restore Phase: Failed10:23:17.911: State Machine Dump, status:ERROR - [state:Recovery remaining-...
Restore iPad in Recovery Mode If it is the first time to connect your iPad to this computer, you are required to enter passcode on your iPad screen.But the iPad passcode is forgot, how to do? You can Connect your iPad to another computer that you have synced before, or put the iPad ...
How To Get iPad Out Of Recovery Mode Connect your iPad stuck in recovery mode to your Mac computer. Run iTunes on your Mac. iTunes will detect your iPad and allow you to restore your Apple iPad from an available backup. Disconnect your iPad from your Mac. Turn off your iPad. If step...
Step 4: Then press Restore.Wait for the process to complete and you get a brand new iPad, however, this method is prone to get stuck in recovery mode during the use of this method, so you may need to repeat the above operation.iMyFone LockWiper Now download LockWiper to reset iPad ...