起源 今天看到有网文《iptables+tproxy实现ss-redir的UDP转发的方法》说:“OpenWrt 做 UDP 转发需要的依赖是:iptables-mod-tproxy, kmod-ipt-tproxy 和 ip-full”。使用opkg install ip安装的默认是 ip-tiny,一般情况下都是够用的,不禁想弄明白两者有何区别。 探索 拿ip命令对比测试: ip-tiny 1 2 3 OBJECT ...
你提供的命令 opkg install ip-full 看起来是正确的。这是安装软件包的标准命令格式。 检查ip-full软件包是否存在并可用: ip-full 软件包在OpenWrt系统中是存在的,它包含了完整的IP路由和隧道功能。如果这个包不存在或不可用,可能是因为软件包仓库没有正确配置,或者仓库中没有该版本的软件包。 你可以通过以下命...
在群晖部署适用IPv6、Fullcone NAT的旁路由透明代理 前一阵子把我曾经折腾的那套透明代理方案(细节可以看https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1934521)搬到了NAS上,不过由于众所周知的原因,文章就没在当时发出来。于是虽然都整了3个星期5个月了,现在才整理当时的各种操作。文章主要的操作是安装clash、supervi...
We definitely need DHCPv6 relay as some ISP only provides a /64 prefix, where relay is the only way to grant IPv6 accesses to LAN devices. By default, OpenWrt uses dnsmasq for IPv4 DHCP and odhcpd-ipv6only for IPv6 DHCP. The DHCPv6 relay...
The TorGuard OpenVPN OpenWRT App makes it simple to connect to TorGuard's OpenVPN servers on OpenWRT. With an easy-to-use interface, you can choose from a full server list, enable Dedicated IP support, and customize VPN protocol, port, and cipher options....
Proton excels if you’re hoping to configure your router to work with the VPN. It works with the models listed above, as well as OpenWRT, pfSense, and more. The service has partnered withInvizBoxto create an open-source router specifically for Proton VPN. Either is capable, but Proton ...
eTomm: When you define an ipset in the dhcp config file, dnsmasq doesn't add the set to the ipset list. It correctly configure itself to manage it. All the tests are being done on LEDE trunk on a Linksys EA8500. Before, in OpenWRT CC 15...
TITLE:=OpenWrt 4th gen firewall DEPENDS:= \ +kmod-nft-core +kmod-nft-fib +kmod-nft-offload \ +kmod-nft-nat +kmod-nft-fullcone \ +kmod-nft-nat \ +nftables-json \ +ucode +ucode-mod-fs +ucode-mod-ubus +ucode-mod-uciEXTRA_DEPENDS:=ucode (>=2022.03.22) ...
Comment (by anonymous): I can confirm this fix allows me to install strongswan on a unit with ip- full installed. -- Ticket URL: <https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/19299#comment:1> OpenWrt <http://openwrt.org> Opensource Wireless Router Technology ___ openwrt-tickets mailing list openwr...