reset按键和ipget按键在openwrt中的处理逻辑 一、reset 按键1、概述(1)根据客户要求,重启长按3秒,红绿灯常亮,重启。(2)长按reset键,然后上电开机,绿灯闪烁,红灯灭,恢复出厂设置。2、分析要获取reset按键pressed的持续时间,通过按下按键的时间来处理重启和复位的动作。
创建一个脚本文件,比如,并在其中加入以下内容: ```bash #!/bin/sh echo "Public IP address is: $(curl -s" ``` 然后保存文件并退出编辑器。 **Step 4: 设置定时任务** 使用crontab命令设置定时任务,使得路由器每隔一段时间执行该脚本获取公网IP。输入以下命令...
private string GetCurrenIPV6() { var hostName = Dns.GetHostName(); var addresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostName); var list = addresses.Where(w => w.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6); list = list.Where(l => l.ToString().First() == '2'); return list...
这个脚本获取的是路由器本身WAN口的ipv4和ipv6(非eui64). 有些什么接口。用命令 ip address 查看。 #!/bin/sh ip -o addr show pppoe-wan|grep 'inet [^f:]'|sed -nr 's#.+? +inet ([0-9.]+)/[0-9]+ brd [0-9./]+ scope global .*#\1#p' ip -o addr show pppoe-wan|grep -...
主路由是ikuai,旁路由是openWrt,openwrt作为旁路由,刚开始配置好一切正常,用几个小时后就出问题了,无法打开,能打开youtube.com网站,视频列表,搜索,评论都正常,但是视频无法播放,其他外网网站也都是正常的,就google.com和youtube.com播放视频有问题 id:
Head to the default IP address used by OpenWrt: …and login. You’ll see the following page with a bunch of stats about your router: Change IP Address and Set Up DHCP The first step is the change the IP address of OpenWrt and the DHCP server it hosts. ...
All gets IPv6 and IPv4 address just fine through OpenWRT, IPv6 with relay mode and IPv4 with DHCP. Only this chromecast with google tv 4k dongle have issues with it AND only when using with OpenWRT. As I said, when I create hotspot with my phone what also offers dualstack, no issues...
dhcp.c: 3263: 0 (Debug) function dhcp_getreq() chilli.c: 4869: 0 (Debug) ---> cb_dhcp_request <--- chilli.c: 4873: 0 (Debug) DHCP request for IP address dhcp.c: 2755: 0 (Debug) dhcp server: dhcp.c: 5060: 0 (Debug) Layer2 PROT: 0x86dd dropped dhcp...
NAT0:Public 公网IP NAT1:完全圆锥形NAT(Full cone),外网设备可以主动发信息给NAT1网络内的设备。 NAT2:受限圆锥形NAT (Address-Restricted cone),只有内网设备(地址:任意端口)主动发过信息给外网设备,外网设备才能主动连接NAT2的该设备的地址(地址:任意端口) ...